Work and talk

Here is some stuff I have been involved with in class...



Collaborating, cooperating and sharing has been a major issue in my life since I started teaching... It felt so lonely working in the small hours having no one to share your doubts and discoveries...

Fortunately, I first learnt sharing with my American professors at the literary postgrad studies I did at the UAB in the mid 90s. Prize for good work and support for improvement were qualities I had sadly never experienced in the Spanish teaching system... And I found out they had a great impact on me. So I decided to embed it on my teaching practise from then on... Sharing to learn and to improve.

After a while, I began to train as a teacher trainer with Olga Esteve and her team: Awesome! Sharing and cooperating practised, experienced and explained. My eternal gratitute to her!

Then, web 2.0 appeared on the scenario along with teacher training and... we went online.

Here are some of the talks I have given recently.