
Generalized Continuation Ratio Models

gencrm is a Stata command that provides parameter estimates for generalized continuation ratio models that allow for a subset of variables to have parameter estimates that vary by a proportionality constraint across equations and/or a subset of variables to have parameter estimates that freely vary across equations. See Fullerton and Xu (2016) for a general discussion of these models. This command is described and illustrated in Bauldry et al. (2018).

Confirmatory Tetrad Analysis

tetrad is a Stata command that conducts Confirmatory Tetrad Analysis (CTA). The command can be installed by typing "net install tetrad, from( replace" without the quotes in Stata's command window. Type "help tetrad" without quotes in the command window to see a help file that includes an example using the command.

tetrad_bootstrap is an extension of tetrad that conducts CTA with the chi-square test statistic bootstrapped as described by Johnson and Bodner (2007). The command requires that tetrad is installed and is part of the tetrad package. Type "help tetrad_bootstrap" without quotes in the command window to see a help file that includes an example using the command.

tetrad_matrix is another extension of tetrad that conducts CTA using matrices rather than raw data as input and can be used for CTA with categorical endogenous variables. The command is installed as part of the tetrad package.

These commands are described and illustrated in Bauldry and Bollen (2016).

Model-Implied Instrumental Variables

miivfind is a Stata command that identified the model-implied instrumental variables associated with a given structural equation model. The command can be installed by typing "net search miivfind" without the quotes in Stata's command window. Click the st0324 link in the results window and then click on the "click here to install" link in the window that pops up. Additional documentation and discussion of this command can be found in Bauldry (2014).

Collecting and Organizing Stata Graphs

graphsto and graphout (originally developed by Joseph D. Wolfe) are two Stata commands designed to assist in managing and presenting multiple Stata graphs. The commands can be installed by typing "net search graphout" without the quotes in Stata's command window. Click the gr0060 link in the results window and then click on the "click here to install" link in the window that pops up. Additional documentation and discussion of this command can be found in Wolfe and Bauldry (2014) or at this website.

Last updated: December 20, 2018