SGA Executive Board and Class Representatives


Click on the respective names to send an email

The Student Government Association exists to enable all undergraduate students to take part in making positive contributions to the University of Dubuque and local communities. SGA claims its existence in the formulation of ideas, student leadership, cooperation, and equal representation.

Therefore we, the representatives of SGA, are here to serve you.

2021-2022 Executive Board


Elissa Dynes

Office Hours: Monday 8am-9am; TTR 8am-10am


Nathan Fernandez

Office Hours: MWF 10am-11am


Jerry Jones

Office Hours:Monday 7pm-8:30pm; T 8:30pm-9pm


Maryn Winders
Office Hours:MWF 11:30am-12:30pm


Senior Representatives

SGA Liaisons:

If you wish to be a part of SGA please go to this form and turn it in by the date on the form.


Junior Representatives

SGA Liaisons:

If you wish to be a part of SGA please go to this form and turn it in by the date on the form.

Ashley Viveros

Sophomore Representatives

SGA Liaisons:

If you wish to be a part of SGA please go to this form and turn it in by the date on the form.

Freshman Representatives

SGA Liaisons:

If you wish to be a part of SGA please go to this form and turn it in by the date on the form.

Nykka Lou Fernandez

Audrey Klein

Ad-Hoc Representatives

SGA Liaisons:

Please contact us if you wish to be an Ad-Hoc Representative

Rebecca Loduha

If you're interested in becoming an SGA Representative please fill out and submit your respective application located in the resources tab.


Dean of Student Engagement & Services

Office of Student Activates