
Yearly Allocation Requests

Deadline: TBD | Early Bird Deadline: TBD

Scroll to bottom for a detailed explanation on the steps.

Understanding the documents you need to submit:

Org. Updated Constitution & Leadership Team

Due TBD, to provide more time for leadership team elections.

Provides overview of your executive board, advisor(s), membership, and general events hosted.

Request Cover Letter

Due TBD before 11:59 pm CST.

States the intent of the organization and its events; your organization's mission, history, past events, as a brief overview for why you're requesting funding.

Can be as long or as short as long as you need it.

Request Budget Breakdown

Due TBD before 11:59 pm CST.

Specific and detailed descriptions of each event you will host for the upcoming year and their itemized costs. MUST break down and itemize each item (ex. Unit cost, total quantity, total cost) specifically to show how the funds will be spent.

The forms you need to complete to submit said documents:

Constitution & New Leadership Team

Please be sure to fill out this form to the best of your abilities. Please make sure to upload your organizations' up to date constitution for the 2021-22 school year.

Request Cover Letter & Budget Breakdown

Please make sure to complete this form and attach you completed cover letter and budget breakdown. The form will ask you a few questions for our records.

2022-2023 Allocations & Org. Registration Information

DEADLINE: April 18th, 2021 @ 11:59 PM

Early Bird Allocation Deadline: Sunday, March 28th, 2021

We understand that many things are uncertain, thus we streamlined the allocation process to make it for effective for your organization and for us.

  1. Register your organization. If you already know who your next leadership team is, please register your student organization by completing the form linked above - make sure to include the contact information for your NEW leadership team of the 2021-22 school year, or at a minimum, the main contact person and advisor(s). You have until April 18th to register your organization, let us know if you need help or more time!

  2. Create a detailed Budget Breakdown and Cover Letter for all the events you're requesting funding to host in the entire school year.

        1. A cover letter states the intent of the organization and its events; your organization's mission, history, past events, and brief overview for why you're requesting funding.

        2. A detailed budget breakdown is the specific descriptions of each event you will host for the upcoming year (that you're requesting funding for at least) and their itemized items and costs. MUST break down and itemize each item SPECIFICALLY to show how the money will be spent. For a conference/trip, it must be detailed with when, where, and what the event is. Include registration, lodging, food, and transportation costs.

  3. Complete the Allocation Form and upload your cover letter and detailed budget breakdown.

If these steps are not followed, or are not detailed, you may jeopardize your chances of receiving funds for the year ahead.

If you have any questions or if any information is unclear, please reach out to us at SGA@dbq.edu!

The Student Government Association exists to enable all undergraduate students to take part in making positive contributions to the University of Dubuque and local communities. SGA claims its existence in the formulation of ideas, student leadership, cooperation, and equal representation. Therefore we, the representatives of SGA, are here to serve you.