Selected Publications

Peer-reviewed Journals

  • “Revisiting IMF Expenditure Conditionality,” September 2020, Applied Economics, with S. Gupta & M. Schena.

  • “Pouring Oil on Fire: Interest Deductibility and Corporate Debt,” International Tax and Public Finance, May 2020, with P. Dallari, N. End, F. Miryugin, & A. Tieman.

  • “Oil Prices, Growth, and Remittance Outflows from the Gulf Cooperation Council,” Economic Notes, April 2019, with S. De, S. Quayyum, & K. Schuettler.

  • “Remittances Over the Business Cycle: Theory and Evidence,” Economic Notes, April 2019, with S. De, E. Islamaj, & A. Kose.

  • “Smooth Operator: Remittances and Household Consumption during Fiscal Shocks,” B. E. Journal of Macroeconomics, February 2018, with K. Beaton & S. Cevik.

  • “The Finance and Growth Nexus Re-examined: Do all Countries Benefit Equally?” Journal of Banking and Financial Economics, November 2015, with A. Barajas & R. Chami.

  • “Demand Estimation for the Iranian Automobile Industry,” The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, August 2013, with M. H. Rahmati.

Book Chapters and Flagship Reports

  • “Managing Public Wealth,” Fiscal Monitor, October 2018.

  • “Migration and Remittance for Development in Asia,” Asian Development Bank, May 2018.

  • “Migration and Development: The Asian Experience,” The Routledge Handbook of Immigration and Refugee Studies, March 2015, with D. Ratha & S. Yi.

  • “Can Remittances Help Promote Consumption Stability?” Global Economic Prospects, World Bank, January 2015, with S. De, E. Islamaj, A. Kose, & D. Ratha.

IMF and Other Publications

  • “Public Sector Balance Sheet Strength and the Macro Economy” IMF Working Paper No. 19/170, August 2019.

  • “Banking on Women Leaders: A Case for More?” IMF Working Paper No. 17/199, September 2017, with R. Sahay and others.

  • “Financial Inclusion: Can it Meet Multiple Macroeconomic Goals?” IMF Staff Discussion Note, September 2015.

  • “Rethinking Financial Deepening: Stability and Growth in Emerging Markets,” IMF Staff Discussion Note, May 2015.

  • “Too Cold, Too Hot, or Just Right? Assessing Financial Sector Development Across the Globe,“ IMF Working Paper No. 13/81, March 2013, with A. Barajas, T. Beck, & E. Dabla-Norris.

  • “Financial Development and Economic Growth in the Associated Mediterranean (MEDA) Countries: Current States of Affairs and Proposals for Improvement,” The European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), October 2012, with A. Barajas.

  • “Differing Benefits: Financial Development Does Not Give the Same Growth Boost to All Countries,” Finance & Development, September 2011, with A. Barajas & R. Chami.