Sewickley Farmers Market 2020

2020 - Market will return... check back here for more info

Saturday, June 6th!

Operates every Saturday from 9 am until 1 pm, now and until the last Saturday before Thanksgiving, regardless of weather.

[This Market is Considered a Life-sustaining Organization]

Our local farmers' market will now be fully open and running using guidelines from the Allegheny Health Department. Covid-19 compliance will involve each of the farmers and merchants and market customers.

Customers during this green phase of government mandate regulations will entire the market using the following guidelines:

* New, for social distancing and parish space concern, additional farmers' market public parking will also always be available at the corner of Walnut & Frederick Ave. in Sewickley.

Starting this year, the parking lot spaces will be equally divided for Church and Farmers Market use;

please notice new signage with directions for parking in on entering the parish driveway.

* Customers are still required to wear masks at this time!

* Keep 6 feet away from other shoppers and vendors, staying in lines when necessary.

Please Note: According to the Allegheny Health Department there is currently no evidence of Covid-19 spreading through food or food packaging.

Share this notice with families, friends, and neighbors. See you at the market!

St. James Church parking lot 200 Walnut St, Sewickley, PA 15143

To place an order, or to contact a merchant please send an email to

or try the Winter Market Orders link above!

Here are just some of the Merchants who hope to see you Saturday....

  • Alaska Wild Salmon
  • Apples - Wolfs Farm - Gold Rush, Braeburn, Fuji, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith apples... Fresh pressed Apple Cider- 100% Apple, no sugar, water or preservatives! Homemade Apple butter and jams made with our homegrown fruit. Frozen peaches, strawberries and blueberries
  • Betty Starn Bakery - baked goods
  • Brenckle's Organic Farm and Greenhouse
  • Cherish Creamry - Artisan Goat Dairy Products
  • Cherry Valley Organics
  • Cinco De Mayo Salsas
  • Dream Thyme Farm - Chicken (whole roasters & cut up), natural dog treats, goat milk soap, knitted hats, heritage pork samplers, eggs.
  • Gray Family Farms
  • Handmade Pasta by Yvonne
  • Helen's Jams and Sauces
  • Kay's Slovak Nut Rolls
  • Lemmon Brothers Farms Sugar Camp Maple Syrup*
  • Lviv European Kitchen - pierogies and more
  • McElhaney Family Farm - Best to pre-order by Friday before 10 a.m.
  • McLaughlin Distillery - Small Batch Craft Distillery - high quality Bourbon, Moonshine, and Vodka (with more products to come)
  • Mediterra Bakehouse - can take orders up until Thursday at 3 pm
  • Temple Family Farm - all pork and lamb products, order deadline, 4 pm Friday
  • The Olive Tap - Olive Oils - Tuscan Herb, Basil, Novella, Arbequina Balsamic Vinegar - Aceto 4 Leaf, Fig Riserva, Lemon White Riserva, Lambrusco Wine Vinegar
  • Organic Trout
  • Uncle Fester - no sugar added jam, gourmet mustard, hot sauces, pickled vegetables, BBQ sauces
  • Zeke's Coffee - pick up a few pounds of coffee with your hot coffee

... list is subject to change,

2019 Dec 22 . 2020: Jan 18 Feb 15 Mar 21 Apr 5 market starts, off 12th for Easter