


Announcing another SPP Mileage Challenge!

How many cumulative miles will the Peloton ride this year?  Submit the most accurate guess by April 30 & win!

What is this?  A contest to get more people out on their bikes, meet and get to know other members, and have fun.

Can I win a prize?  The closest guess submitted will receive a $100 cash prize and each high mileage of the month rider will receive $10.

How do I win?  Guess the total cumulative miles all participating SPP members will ride in the calendar  year.  Your guess (kept secret) must be submitted by April 30.  You must participate to win.

Who can participate?  All SPP members are eligible but you must sign up by March 31 and pay $10.

How will mileage be tracked?  All participants will log their rides and submit a mileage total at the end of the month.

Can I see how many miles the Peloton has ridden as the year progresses?  Yes, see the columns (Jan-Dec) next to each participant's name.

Does mileage count when not on an SPP ride?  Yes, the honor system applies.  Spin classes and trainer time also count; just estimate the miles.

What counts as an SPP ride?  Any ride posted on the website or in an email to the group so others can join in.

What are my chances of winning?  Pretty good!

How do I get started? 

1) Keep track of your mileage by month starting January 1.

2) Sign up by March 31 (just send an email and $10 to Mike Bowman, Jack, or  Clint).

3) Submit a total Peloton mileage estimate by April 30. Click the Mileage link on the home page to see who signed up.

4) Submit your monthly mileage to:

How do I earn one of those fancy 10,000-Mile Rider license plate frames?  Accumulate 10,000 miles while participating in one or more annual Mileage Challenges.

How do I get some inside scoop to make a better guess?  Talk to others on rides before April 30, look at the annual totals, take an online class in statistics.

When do I get my prize?  Best guess and monthly mileage winners will be announced at the January awards celebration.

Any other questions: email Jack or Clint