
Note: Please visit my GitHub page to access materials necessary to reproduce the simulations shown in several of my papers.


2023 - Shayegh, S., Reissl, S., Roshan, E. & Calcaterra, M. (2023) "An assessment of different transition pathways to a green global economy", Nature Communications Earth & Environment, 4, 448 [link (open access)]

2023 - Reissl, S., Caiani, A., Lamperti, F., Ferraresi, T. & Ghezzi L. (2023) "A regional Input-Output model of the Covid-19 crisis in Italy: decomposing demand and supply factors", Economic Systems Research, advance access [link, WP version]

2023 - Delli Gatti, D., Reissl, S. & Turco, E. (2023) "V for Vaccines and Variants", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 33, 991-1046 [link (open access)]

2023 - Ferraresi, T., Ghezzi, L., Vanni, F., Caiani, A., Guerini, M., Lamperti, F., Reissl, S., Fagiolo, G.,  Napoletano, M. & Roventini, A. (2023) "On the Economic and Health Impact of the COVID-19 Shock on Italian Regions: A Value Chain Approach", Regional Studies, advance access [link; WP version]

2022 - Reissl, S. (2022) "Fiscal multipliers, expectations and learning in a macroeconomic agent-based model",  Economic Inquiry,  60, pp. 1704-1729 [link; WP version]

2022 - Reissl, S., Caiani, A., Lamperti, F., Guerini, M., Vanni, F., Fagiolo, G., Ferraresi, T., Ghezzi, L., Napoletano, M. & Roventini, A. (2022) "Assessing the economic effects of lockdowns in Italy: a computational Input-Output approach", Industrial and Corporate Change, 31, pp. 358–409 [link ; WP version]

2022 - Delli Gatti, D. & Reissl, S. (2022) "Agent-Based Covid economics (ABC): Assessing non-pharmaceutical interventions and macro-stabilization policies", Industrial and Corporate Change, 31, pp. 410–447 [link; WP version]

2021 - Reissl, S. (2021) "Heterogeneous expectations, forecasting behaviour and policy experiments in a hybrid Agent-based Stock-flow-consistent model", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 31, pp. 251-299 [link]

2020 - Reissl, S. (2020) "Minsky from the bottom up - Formalising the two-price model of investment in a simple agent-based framework", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 177, pp.  109-142 [link (open access)

2020 - Stockhammer, E., Constantine, C. & Reissl, S. (2020) "Explaining the Euro crisis: Current account imbalances, credit booms and economic policy in different economic paradigms", Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 43(2), pp.  231-266  [link; WP version]

2019 - Lavoie, M. & Reissl, S. (2019) "Further insights on endogenous money and the liquidity preference theory of interest", Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 42(4), pp. 503-526  [link (open access)]

2016 - Reissl, S. (2016) "Keen on Endogenous Money and Effective Demand - A further comment", Review of Keynesian Economics, 4(2), pp. 201-207 [link]

2015 - Reissl, S. (2015) "A critique of Keen on effective demand and changes in debt", Real World Economics Review, 72, pp. 96-117 [link (open access)]

Invited papers:

2017 - Ellermann, C., Lindner, F., Reissl, S. & Tarne, R. (2017) "A third era of credit theory? Endogenous money from Wolfgang Stützel's balance mechanics perspective", European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies, 14(1), pp. 13-22 [link]

2015 - Stockhammer, E., Constantine, C. & Reissl, S. (2015) "Neoliberalism, Trade Imbalances, and Economic Policy in the Eurozone Crisis", Nova Economia, 25 (Special Issue), pp. 749-775 [link]

Other publications:

2024 - Reissl, S., Fierro, L., Lamperti, F. & Roventini, A. (2024) "The DSK-SFC stock-flow consistent agent-based integrated assessment model", LEM Working Paper, No. 2024/09

2023 - Reissl, S. (2023) "Overdraft Economies", in The Elgar Encyclopedia of Post-Keynesian Economics, ed. by L.-P. Rochon & S. Rossi, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 317-319.

2016 - Reissl, S. & Stockhammer, E. (2016) "The Five Presidents' Report One Year On: More Of The Same", Social Europe, July [link]

2016 - Stockhammer, E. & Reissl, S. (2016) "The Eurocrisis and the neoliberal EU policy regime - signs of change or more of the same?", Near Futures Online, Issue 1: 'Europe at a Crossroads', March [link]

Work in progress: