
Welcome to Multiscale Mechanics and Materials Modeling Lab.

Our goal is to become a leading research laboratory specializing solid mechanics, manufacturing, and design. We aim to achieve this by:

1. Advancing the cutting-edge theoretical and computational models for mechanical and mechanically-coupled multiphysics phenomena
2. Integrating AI algorithms with simulations and experiments to innovate in the development of materials, structures, and processes.

If you are considering joining our group, please reach out to Prof. Ryu via email at ryush@kaist.ac.kr.

<Highlights of AI-based design and optimization research> [overview]
Review Paper: [link to paper] [국문 해설]
Lecture in Korean: [AI기반 설계 및 제조업 적용 사례 Youtube강의][Slide_MerricVER] [Slide_SamsungVER] [Slide_HyundaiMotors_VER]
Lecture in English: [AI Based Design and Homogenization, Youtube Lec (ENG)] [Slide_AnsysVER] [Slide_SJTU-UM_VER]

<Highlights in Nanomechanics>
Review paper: [Invited Review on Nanomechanics Research in Korea]

<Highlights in Homogenization Theory> [overview]
Review paper: [Review on Micromechanics-based Homogenization for the Short Fiber Reinforced Composites]

<Highlights in Multiphysics Modeling> [overview]