
2025, “Energy transition and decarbonization”,  P Falbo, G Oggioni, R Riccardi, S Vergalli, Energy Economics 142 (108117)

2024 "Carbon Taxation and Electricity Price Dynamics: Empirical Evidence from the Australian Market", N Comincioli, M Guerini, S Vergalli, Environmental and Resource Economics 87 (12), 3131-3161

2024, "Carbon emission regulations and economic growth", N Comincioli, S Vergalli, Handbook on Energy and Economic Growth, 63-77

2024, "Warming the MATRIX: Uncertainty and heterogeneity in climate change impacts and policy targets in the Euro Area", D Bazzana, M Rizzati, E Ciola, E Turco, S Vergalli, Energy Economics 134, 107585

2024, "Exploring macroeconomic models in the water, energy, food, and ecosystem (WEFE) field: a comprehensive review", C Castelli, M Castellini, C Gusperti, IG Romani, E Ciola, S Vergalli, Environmental Research Letters

2024, "Cost–benefit analysis of landfill emergency securing: Two applications in Southern Italy", N Comincioli, IG Romani, S Vergalli, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics

2024, "Synergies of CGE and IAM modelling for climate change implications on WEFE nexus in the Mediterranean", O Raviv, RR Palatnik, M Castellini, C Gusperti, S Vergalli, J Sirota, Climate Risk Management 44, 100608

2024, "Smart Grids in the renewable energy community era: new markets and the role of information", M Bertolini, M Castellini, M Moretto, S Vergalli, Sustainable Development of Renewable Energy, 401-412

2023, “Enter the MATRIX model: a Multi-Agent model for Transition Risks with application to energy shocks”, E. Ciola, E. Turco, A. Gurgone, D. Bazzana, F. Menoncin and S. Vergalli, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 146, 104589, Fascia A ASN

2023, “Energy price shocks and stabilization policies in the MATRIX model”, E. Ciola, E. Turco, D. Bazzana, M. Rizzati and and S. Vergalli, Energy Policy, 177, 113567, Fascia A ASN

2023, “Bayesian profile regression to study the ecologic associations of correlated environmental exposures with excess mortality risk during the first year of the Covid-19 epidemic in lombardy, Italy”, E. S. Coker, J. Molitor, S. Liverani, J. Martin, P. Maranzano, N. Pontarollo and S. Vergalli, Environmental Research, 216, 114484

2023, “WEF Nexus policy review of four Mediterranean countries”, D. Bazzana, N. Comincioli, E. El Khoury, F. Nardi and S. Vergalli, Land, 12 (2), 473

2023, “Ecosystem degradation and the spread of Covid-19”, C. Castelli, M. Castellini, N. Comincioli, M.L. Parisi, N. Pontarollo and S. Vergalli (2023) Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195 (7), 836

2022, "The European Green Deal, energy transition and decarbonization", with S Borghesi, Environmental and Resource Economics 83 (1), 1-3

2022, "Temperature variability and the macroeconomy: A world tour ", with M Donadelli and M Jüppner, Environmental and Resource Economics, 83 (1), 221-259

2022, "European green policy announcements and sectoral stock returns", with S.Borghesi, M.Castellini, N.Comincioli, M.Donadelli, I.Gufler,  Energy Policy 166, 113004, LINK

2022, "A multi-disciplinary approach to estimate the medium-term impact of COVID-19 on transport and energy: a case study for Italy", with Bazzana, D., Cohen, J.J., Golinucci, N., Hafner, M., Noussan, M., Reichl, J., Rocco, M. V., and Sciullo, A. Energy, 127

2021, "Mothballing in a Duopoly: Evidence from a (Shale) Oil Market", with Comincioli, N., Hagspiel, V.,  Kort, P., Menoncin, F. and Miniaci, R., Energy Economics, forthcoming

2021, "Temperature Variability and the Macroeconomy: a World Tour", with M Donadelli, and M Jüppner, Environmental and Resource Economics, 1-39

2021, "Adoption Gaps of Environmental Adaptation Technologies with Public Effects", with Antoci A., Borghesi, S. and G. Galdi, Environmental and Resource Economics, 127

2021, "Photovoltaic Smart Grids in the prosumers investment decisions: a real option model", with Castellini M., Menoncin, F. and M. Moretto, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 103988.

2021, "Can commercial trade represent the main indicator of the COVID-19 diffusion due to human-to-human interactions? A comparative analysis between Italy, France, and Spain",  with E. Bontempi, M. Coccia, S. Vergalli, A. Zanoletti, Environmental Research, in press

2021, "Investment, Energy and Green Economy", with Dawid H., and P. Kort, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 126, 104126

2021, “Optimal stopping time, consumption, labour, and portfolio decision for a pension scheme ”, with F. Menoncin, Journal of Economics, 132 (1), 67-98

2021, "Welfare Effects of Business Taxation under Default Risk", with Comincioli N., and P. Panteghini, International Tax and Public Finance, 1-18

2020, "The Effects of Air Pollution on COVID-19 Related Mortality in Northern Italy", with, E. S. Coker, L. Cavalli, E. Fabrizi, G. Guastella, E. Lippo, M. L.  ParisiN. Pontarollo, M. Rizzati, A. Varacca, Environ Resource Econ (2020).

2020, “Understanding COVID-19 diffusion requires an interdisciplinary, multi-dimensional approach”, with F. Squazzoni and E. Bontempi, Environmental Research, 188, 

2019, “Methodological Insights to Measure the Agenda 2030 at Urban Level in Italy”, with Cavalli, L., L. Farnia, G. Lizzi, Sustainability, 11(17), 4598,

2019, "Deferred Taxation under Default Risk", with Carini, C., M., Moretto, and P. Panteghini, Journal of Economics, forthcoming, DOI:10.1007/s00712-019-00671-x. Previously circulated as CESifo Working Paper n. 7057

2019, “Economia Circolare: Una sfida che parte dalle città" with L. Cavalli, and G. Lizzi, Equilibri. ISSN: 1594-7580, vol. 01/2019, pp. 69-78

2018, "The Effects of Uncertain Forest Conservation Benefits on Long-Run Deforestation in Brazilian Amazon", with Di Corato, L. and M., Moretto, Environment and Development Economics, Vol. 23 (4), pp. 413-433. Previously circulated as FEEM Working Paper n. 2016.056

2017, “Measuring the Performance with the Market Value Added: Evidence from CSR Companies”, with Carini, C., Comincioli, N., Poddi, L., Sustainability, vol. 9(12), 2171,

2017, "Aspetti sociali ed economici delle migrazioni", Equilibri, ISSN: 1594-7580, vol. 01/2017, pp. 112-122

2016, “Taxes, Subsidies, Regulation in Dynamic Models”, with G. Corneo, Journal of Economics, 119, pp. 97-99. 

2016, "Accelerated Depreciation, Default Risk and Investment Decisions", with P. Panteghini, Journal of Economics, 119, pp. 113-130. Previously circulated as CESifo Working Paper, n. 5713.

2016, “Corporate Social Responsibility and Firms’ Performance: A Stratigraphic Analysis”, with N. Comincioli and L. Poddi, Journal of International Business and Economics, vol. 4, n. 1, pp. 1-12. Previously circulated as Feem Working Paper 2012.077

2015, “Tax Competition, Investment Irreversibility and the Provision of Public Goods”, with M. Moretto and P. Panteghini, German Economic Review, Volume 16, Issue 4, pp. 408-421. Previously circulated as Feem Working Paper 66.2013 e CESifo Working Paper No. 4256

2014, “Long-run Investment under Uncertain Demand", with L. Di Corato and M. Moretto, Economic Modelling, 41, pp. 80-89. Previously circulated as Feem Working Paper 65.2013

2014, "Time Overruns in Public Procurement and Concession Contracts; Penalty Fee and Option Value to Delay", with C. D'Alpaos, Review of Environmental, Energy and Economics.

2013, "Time Overruns as Opportunistic Behaviour in Public Procurement", with C. D' Alpaos, M. Moretto and P. Valbonesi, Journal of Economics, Vol. 110, pp. 25-43. Previously circulated as Feem Working Paper 78.2012

2013, "Land Conversion Pace Under Uncertainty and Irreversibility: Too Fast or Too Slow?", with L. Di Corato and M. Moretto, Journal of Economics, Vol. 110, pp. 45-82. Previously circulated as Feem Working Paper 84.2011

2013, "Editorial: The Economics of Irreversible Choices", with G. Corneo, Journal of Economics, Vol 110, pp. 1-3.

2013, "The Push Factors for Corporate Social Responsibility", with P. Cominetti and L. Poddi, Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Information Technology, Vol. 3, Issue 2. Previously circulated as Feem Working Paper 58.2012

2012, "Deforestation and Government Conservation Policies", with L. Di Corato and M. Moretto, Review of Environmental, Energy and Economics.

2012, "European Migration Policies: the Effect of Uncertainty", with M. Moretto, Review of Environmental, Energy and Economics.

2012, "Does Corporate Social Responsibility Pay?", with L. Poddi, Review of Environmental, Energy and Economics.

2012, "Un quadro istituzionale per lo sviluppo sostenibile", with Cecilia Mezzano, Equilibri, 01/2012, pp. 67-74, il Mulino.

2012, "Lo Sviluppo Sostenibile da Rio 1992 a Rio + 20", with Paolo Cominetti, Equilibri, 01/2012, pp. 57-66, Il Mulino.

2011, "Entry and Exit Strategies in Migration Dynamics", Journal of Labor Research, Vol. 32, pp. 362-389. Previously circulated as Feem Working Paper n. 123 e Discussion Paper n. 0701, Università di Brescia, 2007.

2011, "Ritardi nell'adozione e uso delle tecnologie - digital divide - come una delle cause forti del sottosviluppo dei paesi poveri", with M.L. Parisi, Equilibri, 01/2011, pp. 221-229, il Mulino

2011, "Analisi e Politiche Europee dei flussi migratori: l'effetto dell'incertezza", with M. Moretto, Equilibri, 01/2011, pp. 139-146, il Mulino

2010, "Optimal Investment, Financial Strategies and the Capital Levy Problem", with A. Fedele and P. Panteghini, German Economic Review, Vol 12 (4), 438-468. 

2010, “Managing Migration through Quotas: an Option-Theory Perspective", with M. Moretto, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 57, No 3, pp. 318-342. Previously circulated as Feem Working Paper n. 51.2008 and Discussion Paper n. 0805, Università di Brescia

2010, "Natural Disasters and International Insurance Market Stability", with R. Casarin, Equilibri, 03/2010, pp. 554-566, Il Mulino

 2010, “La CSR paga?”, Equilibri, Il Mulino, 2010.02, pp. 246-254, with L. Poddi

2008, “The Role of Community in Migration Dynamics”, (2008), Labour, Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, Vol. 22 (3), pp. 547-567. Previously circulated as Feem Working Paper n. 04.2006 and Discussion Paper n. 0613, Università di Brescia.

2008, “Migration Dynamics”, with M. Moretto, Journal of Economics, Vol. 93 (3), pp. 223-265. Previously circulated as Discussion Paper n. 0507, Università di Brescia and Feem Working Paper n. 108.2005

2005, “Lerning by Doing vs Learning by Researching in a Model of Climate Change Policy Analysis” with M. Galeotti, E. Castelnuovo, and G. Gambarelli, Ecological Economics, No 54, April 2005, pp. 261–276. Previously circulated as Feem Nota di lavoro n 11.2003

2003, “Global warming, uncertainty and endogenous technical change”, with M. Moretto and E. Castelnuovo, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, No. 8, 2003, pp. 291-301, Kluwer Academic Plublishers. Reference in the document "ECONOMIC GROWTH, TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE, AND CLIMATE CHANGE"

Other Publications