
My Ideas/RePEc page

Journal Articles:

Tax Composition and Growth: A Broad Cross-Country Perspective

Joint with Santiago Acosta-Ormaechea and Jiae Yoo

German Economic Review

Economic Uncertainty and the Influence on Monetary Policy

Joint with Knut Are Aastveit and Gisle James Natvik

Journal of International Money and Finance

Global Factors In the Term Structure of Interest Rates

Joint with Mirko Abbritti, Antonio Moreno and Salvatore Dell’Erba

International Journal of Central Banking

Sub-National's Risk Premia in Fiscal Federations: Fiscal Performance and Institutional Design

Joint with Geremia Palomba

Journal of International Money and Finance

Investment Scaling-up and the Role of Government

Joint with Matteo Ghilardi

Applied Economics

Fiscal Policy, Interest Rates and Risk Premia in Open Economy

Joint with Salvatore Dell'Erba

B.E. Journal Macroeconomics

Book Chapters:

Designing a European Fiscal Union. Lessons from the Experience of Fiscal Federations

Edited by Carlo Cottarelli and Martine Guerguil.

Routledge Studies in the European Economy

Make Investment Scaling-up Work for Stronger Growth in Benin: A Systematic Macro-Fiscal Analysis

Joint with Karim Barhoumi, Qiang Cui, Christine Dieterich, Nicolas End, Alexander Raabe, and Matteo Ghilardi

Working Papers:

Joint with Geremia Palomba

Investment Scaling-up and the Role of Government: the Case of Benin

Joint with Matteo Ghilardi

Economic Uncertainty and the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy

Joint with Knut Are Aastveit and Gisle James Natvik

Global Factors In the Term Structure of Interest Rates

Joint with Mirko Abbritti, Antonio Moreno and Salvatore Dell’Erba

Temporary and Persistent Fiscal Policy Shocks

Identifying the Effects of Government Spending Shocks with and without Expected Reversal: An Approach Based on U.S. Real-Time Data

Joint with Jacopo Cimadomo and Sebastian Hauptmeier, ECB; ECB Working Paper No. 1361/July 2011

Featured in The Economist Economics Focus July 13th 2011