Call for Papers

Call for Papers

We invite papers in two categories:

  1. Position papers/Ideas papers
  2. Testbed papers

Position/Ideas Papers should describe work currently in progress or new ideas that have a strongly argued scientific basis but have currently not been explored in depth.

Testbed papers should describe the facility and summarise on-going research being undertaken using the testbed. They should also describe whether the testbed is open to other researchers and how it may be accessed.

All papers are limited to a maximum of 4 pages in ACM Proceedings format. Papers should be submitted by 21 February 2016 (anywhere on world time) through Easy Chair.

The accepted papers will be categorised into themes. Each theme will be allocated a session at the workshop where the presenters will use short 10 minute talks to set the agenda followed by a working session to map the current state of research in the theme and identify open research problems. The results from the working sessions will be brought together into a working paper mapping the area and presenting a research agenda. An initial version of this paper, along with revised author position papers, will be published as a post-proceedings in the Lancaster University Technical Report Series. The objective is that the working paper develops into a submission to ESSoS 2017 or another relevant venue.