
About the Workshop

The world is experiencing a massive growth in connected cyber-physical infrastructures – ranging from IoT-based smart environments to critical infrastructures such as power grids, energy, water and manufacturing systems.

The number of connected devices is expected to grow to 50 billion by the year 2020 and the volume of data set to exceed 35 zetabytes over the same period. Very large cyber-physical infrastructures are envisioned which will integrate multiple applications run by a variety of stakeholders within a shared fabric. Examples include future industrial environments, infrastructure monitoring technologies and intelligent transportation systems. In such contexts, thousands of nodes will be deployed and used by a large number of stakeholders to provide a multitude of services. Such shared fabrics will remain in operation for a long time (potentially decades) and the physical composition, the services provided and the stakeholders involved will change with time. This scale of future cyber-physical infrastructures and their dynamic nature in terms of stakeholders, services and physical properties over long time periods poses unique security and resilience challenges.

This one day workshop will bring together a community of researchers interested in this topic. We aim to bring together researchers working on security and dependability in areas such as embedded systems, industrial control and SCADA systems, critical infrastructure and IoT settings. The workshop is aimed as a “working” meeting and not a mini-conference. The attendees will be selected on the basis of short 4 page position papers describing work in progress or “ideas papers”. The papers will be reviewed by the organisers and external reviews sought where needed.

The workshop will also feature a Show your testbeds session where a few key testbeds on cyber physical infrastructures will be invited to present their facilities and the types of research being undertaken. A working session will focus on contrasting the testbed architectures and establishing best practice guidelines of developing such testbeds.

Important Dates:

Deadline for paper submission: 21 February 2016 (anywhere in the world)

Notification of acceptance: 02 March 2016

Workshop: 06 April 2016

Submit your paper via Easy Chair.