Center For Advanced Technology

The CAT Website has now moved to this page is no longer being updated, please update your links

Welcome to the new website for sequencing with the CAT @ UCSF!

You will find pages to the left containing information on how to submit a library, the recharge rates, the queue of libraries waiting to be sequenced, on the NovaSeqX, NovaSeq 6000, and PacBio Revio

We offer individual lane submissions for the following: NovaSeqX: SE100, PE50/10xATAC, 10xRNA/Visium, PE150/10xATAC. 

On the NovaSeq, we offer individual lane submissions for the S4 flow cell: PE150, PE100, 10x scRNA-seq, 10x scATAC-seq. For the SP flow cell:PE PE150 and 10x scATAC-seq. 

For other parameters or custom primers, you need to occupy an entire flow cell and the NovaSeq 6000 SP/S1/S2 flow cells are your best options. 

For PacBio libraries, the minimum unit is a single Revio flow cell.

When submitting manuscripts, please acknowledge the CAT by including the text: “Sequencing was performed at the UCSF CAT, supported by UCSF PBBR, RRP IMIA, and NIH 1S10OD028511-01 grants.” 

The CAT has two list serves, one for general information and another for sequencing information. 

To subscribe to the general info list, send and e-mail to with “subscribe cat_info FIRSTNAME LASTNAME” in the body without quotes to get on the general CAT list serve.

To subscribe to our sequencing list, send an e-mail to Leave the subject blank and include "subscribe cat-seq FIRSTNAME LASTNAME" without the quotes in the e-mail.