
(equally contributed authors, * corresponding authors)

International Journal

- In preparation

  1. B. H. Hong, Y.-S. Kim,, and S.-E. Kim*, "Age-dependent brain connectivity analysis", data recording.

  2. T. Kang and S.-E. Kim*, "Detection of fake fingerprint," writing.

  3. Y.-S. Kim, J. Kim, B. Koo and S.-E. Kim*, "EEG markers for Postoerative Delirium", writing.

  4. I.-K. Song, Y.-S. Kim, B. A. Lee, W.-J. Shin, and S.-E. Kim*, "Age-dependent electroencephalographic spectral patterns during hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass in children", writing.

  5. H.-S. Lee, A. H. Song and S.-E. Kim*, "Proportionate Sparse Diffusion LMS," writing.

  6. J. Cui, Y.-S. Kim, S. Lee, S.-E. Kim, Y. Lee, T. Zhang, J. Lee, J. Heo, W. Chung and J. Park, "The BTBR T+tf/J mouse model of autism displays increased sensitivity to general anesthesia", writing.

  7. B.-K. Min*, S.-E. Kim, H. S. Kim, Y. Kwak, M.-H. Ahn, K. M. Choi, and C. S. Haermann, "Cross-frequency coupled transcranial alternating current stimulation enhances working-memory performance," ready to submit.

- Published & submitted

- 2022

  1. T Kang, K.-I. Oh, J.-J. Lee, S.-E. Kim, S.-E. Kim, W. Lee, and W. Oh, "Spiking Neural Networks-inspired Signal Detection Based on Measured Body Channel Response," submitted to IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.

  2. Y. Kwak, W.-J. Song, and S.-E. Kim*, "FGANet: fNIRS-guided Attention Network for Hybrid EEG-fNIRS Brain-Computer Interfaces," IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering in major revision.

  3. Y., Kwak, K. Kong, W.-J. Song, and S.-E. Kim*, "Subject-Invariant Deep Neural Networks Based on Baseline Correction for Brain-Computer Interfaces," submitted to IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics in major revision.

  4. K. Kong, J. Lee, Y. Kwak, Y.-R. Cho, S.-E. Kim, and W.-J. Song, "Penalty based Robust Learning with Noisy Labels," Neurocomputing in major revision.

  5. A. H. Song, S.-E. Kim*, and E. N. Brown "An Adaptive State-Space Multitaper Spectrogram Estimation", IEEE Signal Processing Letters accepted.

- 2021

  1. T. Kang, K.-I. Oh, J.-J. Lee, B.-S. Park, W. Oh, and S.-E. Kim*, "Measurement and Analysis of Human Body Channel response for Biometric Recognition," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement,​ vol. 70, Aug 2021.

  2. T. Kang, J.-H. Hwang, H. Kim, S.-E. Kim, K.-I. Oh, J.-J. Lee, H.-I. Park, S.-E. Kim, W. Oh, and W. Lee, "Measurement and Evaluation of Electric Signal Transmission Through Human Body by Channel Modelling, System Design, and Implementation," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 70, May 2021.

- 2020

  1. H.-S. Lee, J.-W. Lee, W.-J. Song and S.-E. Kim*, "Adaptive Algorithm for Sparse System Identification based on Hard-Thresholding Techniques," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 67, no. 12, pp. 3597-3601, Dec 2020.

  2. H. Park, Y. Kim, S. Kim, A. J, S.-E. Kim*, and W. Choi*, "Comparison of electroencephalogram between propofol- and thiopental-induced anesthesia for awareness risk in pregnant women", Scientific Reports, 10:6192, Apr 2020.

  3. Y. Kwak, K. Kong, W.-J. Song, B.-K. Min and S.-E. Kim*, "Multilevel Feature Fusion with 3D Convolutional Neural Network for EEG Based Workload Estimation", IEEE ACCESS, vol. 8, pp. 16009-16021, Jan 2020.

- 2019

  1. J.-H. Chung and T. Kang*, D. Kwun, J. Lee, and S.-E. Kim*, "User Recognition based on Human Body Impulse Response: A Feasibility Study," IEEE ACCESS, vol. 8, pp. 6627-6637, Dec 2019.

  2. Y. Kwak, W.-J. Song, and S.-E. Kim*, "Speckle-Noise-Invariant Convolutional Neural Network for SAR Target Recognition," IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 549-553, Apr 2019.

  3. S.-E. Kim, D. Ba, and E. N. Brown, "A Multitaper Frequency-Domain Bootstrap Method," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 25, no. 12, pp. 1805-1809, Dec 2018.

  4. J.-W. Lee, J.-T. Kong, W.-J. Song, and S.-E. Kim*, "Data-Reserved Periodic Diffusion LMS for Reducing Communications over Networks," IEEE ACCESS, vol. 6, pp. 54636-54650, Sep 2018.

  5. J.-T. Kong, D.-C. Ahn, S.-E. Kim, and W.-J. Song, "Robust Distributed Clustering Algorithm over Multitask Networks," IEEE ACCESS, vol. 6, pp. 45439-45447, Aug 2018.

  6. L. Cornelissen, S.-E. Kim, P. L. Purdon, E. N. Brown, and C. B. Berde, "Electroencephalographic Markers of Brain Development during Sevoflurane Anaesthesia in Children up to 3 Years Old," British Journal of Anaesthesia, vol. 120, no. 6, pp. 1274-1286, Jun 2018. (Featured in Front Cover)

  7. S.-E. Kim, M. Behr, D. Ba, and E. N. Brown, "State-Space Multitaper Time-Frequency Analysis," PNAS, vol. 115, no.1, pp. E5-E14, Jan 2018. (Featured in MIT News)

  8. O. Akeju, L. Hobbs, L. Gao, S. Burns, K. Pavone, G. S. Plummer, E. C. Walsh, T. Houle, S.-E. Kim, M. T. Bianchi, J. M. Ellenbogen, E. N. Brown, "Dexmedetomidine Promotes Biomimetic Non-rapid Eye Movement Stage 3 Sleep in Humans: A Pilot Study," Clinical Neurophysiology, vol. 129, no. 1, pp. 69-78, Jan 2018.

  9. J.-T. Kong, J.-W. Lee, S.-E. Kim, and W.-J. Song, "Diffusion LMS Algorithm with Muti-combination for Distributed Estimation: Formation and Performance Analysis," Digital Signal Processing, vol. 71, pp. 117-130, Dec 2017.

  10. F. J. Flores, K. E. Hartnack, K. A. B. Fath, S.-E. Kim, M .A. Wilson, E. N. Brown, and P. L. Purdon, "Thalamocortical synchronization during induction and emergence from propofol-induced anesthesia," PNAS, vol. 114, no. 32, pp. E6660-E6668, Aug 2017.

  11. O. Akeju, S.-E. Kim, R. Vazquez, J. Rhee, K. J. Pavone, L. E. Hobbs, P. L. Purdon, and E. N. Brown, "Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Dexmedetomidine-induced Electroencephalogram Oscillations," PLoS ONE, vol. 11, no. 10, e0163431, Oct 2016.

  12. J. Kenny, J. Chemali, C. J. Van Dort, S.-E. Kim, D. Ba, N. E. Taylor, E. N. Brown, and K. Solt, "Physostigmine and Methylphenidate Induce Distinct Arousal States during Isoflurane General Anesthesia in Rats,'' Anesthesia & Analgesia, vol. 123, no. 5, pp. 1210-1219, Nov 2016.

  13. S.-E. Kim, J.-W. Lee, and W.-J. Song, "A Noise Resillent Affine Projection Algorithm and Its Performance Analysis," Signal Processing, vol. 121, pp. 94-101, Apr 2016.

  14. L. Cornelissen, S.-E. Kim, P. L. Purdon, E. N. Brown, and C. B. Berde, "Age-dependent Electroencephalogram (EEG) Patterns during Sevoflurane General Anesthesia in Infants," eLife, 06513, 2015.

  15. M. B. Westover, S.-E. Kim, SN Ching, P. L. Purdon, and E. N. Brown, "Robust Control of Burst Suppression for Medical Coma," Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 12, no. 4, 046004 (22pp), Aug 2015.

  16. H.-S. Lee, S.-E. Kim, J.-W. Lee, and W.-J. Song, "A Variable Step-size Diffusion LMS Algorithm for Distributed Estimation," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 63, no. 7, pp. 1808-1820, Apr 2015.

  17. J. W. Lee, S.-E. Kim, and W.-J. Song, "Data-selective Diffusion LMS for Reducing Communication Overhead," Signal Processing, vol. 113, pp. 211-217, Aug 2015.

  18. K.-H. Kim, Y. S. Choi, S.-E. Kim, and W.-J. Song, "A Low-Complexity Complementary-Pair Affine Projection Adaptive Filter," IEICE Trans Fundamentals Elec, Comm & Comp Sci, vol. E97-A, no. 10, pp.2074-2078, Oct 2014.

  19. S.-E. Kim, Y.-S. Choi, J.-W. Lee, and W.-J. Song, "Partial-Update Normalized Sign LMS Algorithm Employing Sparse Updates," IEICE Trans Fundamentals Elec, Comm & Comp Sci, vol. E96-A, no. 6, pp. 1482-1487, Jun 2013.

  20. M.-K. Song, S.-E. Kim, Y.-S. Choi, and W.-J. Song, "Selective Normalized Subband Adaptive Filter with Subband Extension," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 101-105, Feb 2013.

  21. J.-W. Lee, S.-E. Kim, W.-J. Song, and A. H. Sayed, "Spatio-Temporal Diffusion Strategies for Distributed Estimation and Detection over Networks," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 60, no. 8, pp. 4017-4034, Aug 2012.

  22. Y.-S. Choi, S.-E. Kim, and W.-J. Song, "Noise-Robust Normalized Subband Adaptive Filtering," IET Electronics Letters, vol. 48. no. 8, pp. 432-434, Apr 12, 2012.

  23. S.-E. Kim, J.-W. Lee, and W.-J. Song, "A Theory on the Convergence Behavior of the Affine Projection Algorithm," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 6233-6239, Dec 2011.

  24. K.-H. Kim, Y.-S. Choi, S.-E. Kim, and W.-J. Song, "An Affine Projection Algorithm With Periodically Evolved Update Interval," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 58, no.11, pp. 763-767, Nov 2011.

  25. K.-H. Kim, S.-E. Kim, and W.-J. Song, "An Alternating Selection for Parallel Affine Projection Filters," IEICE Trans Fundamentals Elec, Comm & Comp Sci, vol. E94-A no.7 pp.1576-1580, Jul 2011.

  26. S.-E. Kim, Y.-S. Choi, M.-K. Song, and W.-J. Song, "A Subband Adaptive Filtering Algorithm Employing Dynamic Selection of Subband Filters," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 245-248, Mar 2010.

  27. J.-J. Hong, S.-E. Kim, and W.-J. Song, "A Clipping Reduction Algorithm Using Backlight Luminance Compensation for Local Dimming Liquid Crystal Displays," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 56, no. 1, pp.240-246, Feb 2010.

  28. S.-E. Kim, J.-Y. An, J.-J. Hong, T. W. Lee, C. G. Kim, and W.-J. Song, "How to Reduce Light Leakage and Clipping in Local Dimming Liquid-Crystal Displays," Journal of the Society for Information Display, vol. 17, no. 12, pp. 1051-1057, Dec 2009.

  29. S.-E. Kim, S.-J. Kong, and W.-J. Song, "An Affine Projection Algorithm with Evolving Order," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 16, no. 11, pp. 937-940, Nov 2009.

- Domestic Journal in Korea

  1. B.-S. Park, E.-J Kang, T. Kang, J.-J. Lee, and S.-E. Kim*, "User Recognition Method using Human Body Impulse Response Signals," Journal of Institute of Korean Electrical and Electronics Engineers, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 120-126, Mar 2020. (Korean)

  2. Y.-S. Kim, B.-S. Park, and S.-E. Kim*, "Low Noise Time-Frequency Analysis Algorithm for Real-Time Spectral Estimation," Journal of Institute of Korean Electrical and Electronics Engineers, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 805-810, Sep 2019. (Korean)


- International Conference

  1. K. Kong, J. Lee, Y. Kwak, Y.-R. Cho, S.-E. Kim, W.-J. Song, "Mitigating Memorization in Sample Selection for Learning with Noisy Labels" Workshop at International Conference for Machine Learning Workshop (ICMLW) (Spotlight), Jul 24, Online (2021).

  2. Y. Kwak, W.-J. Song, and S.-E. Kim*, “Deep Feature Normalization using Rest State EEG Signals for Brain-Computer Interface," Proc. International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC), Jan 31-Feb 3, Jeju, Korea (2021). (Best Paper Award)

  3. Y. Kwak, W.-J. Song, and S.-E. Kim*, “Graph Neural Network with Multilevel Feature Fusion for EEG based Brain-Computer Interface," Proc. IEEE/IEIE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) Asia, Nov 1-3, Haewondae, Korea (2020).

  4. Y. Kwak, W.-J. Song, B.-K. Min, and S.-E. Kim*, “3D CNN based Multilevel Feature Fusion for Workload Estimation,” Proc. 8th IEEE International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface, Feb. 26-28, Gangwon, Korea (2020).

  5. S.-E. Kim, D. Ba, and E. N. Brown, “A Multitaper Frequency-Domain Bootstrap Method," IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Process., May 12-17, Brighton, UK (2019).

  6. Y. Kwak, W.-J. Song, and S.-E. Kim*, “Classification of Working Memory Performance from EEG with Deep Artificial Neural Networks,” Proc. 7th IEEE International Winter Conference on Brain-Computer Interface, Feb. 18-20, Gangwon, Korea (2019).

  7. S.-E. Kim, M. Behr, D. Ba, and E. N. Brown, "State-Space Model Based Multitaper Spectral Estimation," The 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2017), Jul 11-15, Jeju Island, Korea (2017).

  8. S.-E. Kim, D. Ba, and E. N. Brown, "Multitapter Frequency Domain Bootstrap," The 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2015), Aug 25-29, Milan, Italy (2015).

  9. S.-E. Kim, Y. Kim, J. Yoon, and E. S. Kim, "Indoor Navigation System Using Geomagnetic Anormalies for Smartphones," International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation, IPIN'12, Sep 13-15, Sydney, Australia, (2012).

  10. H.-S. Lee, S.-E. Kim, J.-W. Lee, and W.-J. Song, "A Variable Step-size Diffusion LMS Algorithm for Distributed Estimation over Networks," in Proceedings of The 27th Internation Technical Conference on Circuits/Sytems, Computers, and Communications, ITC-CSCC'12, Jul 15-18, Sapporo, Japan, (2012). (Best Paper Award)

  11. M.-K. Song, S.-E. Kim, Y.-S. Choi, and W.-J. Song, "An Efficient Normalized Subband Adaptive Filter Exploiting a Subset of Subbands," European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2011), Aug 29- Sep. 2, Barcelona, Spain (2011).

  12. J.-W. Lee, S.-E. Kim, W.-J. Song, and A. H. Sayed, "Spatial-Temporal Diffusion LMS Algorithms for Distributed Estimation Over Adaptive Network," European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO-2011), Aug 29- Sep 2, Barcelona, Spain (2011).

  13. S.-E. Kim, J.-W. Lee, and W.-J. Song, "Steady-State Analysis of the NLMS Algorithm with Reusing Coefficient Vector and a Method for Improving Its Performance IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Process. (ICASSP '11), pp. 4120-4123, May 22-27, Prague, Czech Republic (2011).

  14. J.-J. Hong, S.-E. Kim, and W.-J. Song, "Clipping Reduction Algorithm using Backlight Luminance Compensation for Local Dimming in Liqiuid Crystal Displays," IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics Digest of Technical Papers (ICCE'10), pp. 55-56, Jan 11-13, Las Vegas, USA (2010).

  15. J.-H. Lee, S.-E. Kim, T.-H. Lee, and W.-J. Song, "Flicker Reduction Backlight Control based on Adaptive Moving Average Filtering," SID International Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, vol. 40, pp. 1294-1297, May 31-Jun. 5, San Antonio, USA (2009).

  16. J.-Y. An, S.-E. Kim, and W.-J. Song, "Adaptive Local Dimming Backlight for Liquid Crystal Displays," Proceedings of The 15th International Display Workshops (IDW'08), pp. 285-288, Dec 3-5, Niigata, Japan (2008). (Outstanding Poster Paper Award)

  17. K.-H. Kim, Y.-S. Choi, S.-E. Kim, and W.-J. Song, "Convex Combination of Affine Projection Filters with Individual Regularization," Proceedings of The 23rd International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC'08), pp. 901-904, Jul 6-9, Shimonoseki, Japan (2008).

  18. S.-E. Kim, Y.-S. Choi, Y.-K. Han, and W.-J. Song, "Partial-Update L∞-Norm Adaptive Filtering Algorithm with Sparse Updates," Proceedings of The 23rd International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC'08), pp.905-908, Jul 6-9, Shimonoseki, Japan (2008).

- Abstract

  1. I.-K. Song, Y.-S. Kim, B. A. Lee, W.-J. Shin, S.-E. Kim*, "Age-dependent electroencephalographic spectral patterns during midazolam-induced general anesthesia for congenital heart surgery in children," Neuroscience 2021, Chicogo, IL, USA (2021)

  2. L. Cornelissen, S.-E. Kim, P. L. Purdon, E. N. Brown, and C. B. Berde, "Postnatal development of GABAergic-dependent brain oscillations during sevoflurane anesthesia in children 0 to 3 years old," Neuroscience 2017, Nov 11-15, Washing, DC, USA (2017).

  3. L. Cornelissen, S.-E. Kim, P. L. Purdon, E. N. Brown, and C. B. Berde, "Age-dependent electroencephalography (EEG) patterns during sevoflurane general anesthesia in infants," Anesthesiology 2015, Oct 24-28, San Diego, USA (2015). (*equally contributed authors)

  4. L. Cornelissen, S.-E. Kim, P. L. Purdon, E. N. Brown, and C. B. Berde, "Postnatal development of spatial and temporal EEG characteristics of anesthetic state in infants 0-6 months," Neuroscience 2015, Oct 17-21, Chicago, USA (2015).

  5. F. J. Flores, K. Hartnack, A. B. Fath, S.-E. Kim, M. A. Wilson, E. N. Brown, and P. L. Purdon, "Thalamocortical synchronization during propofol-induced unconsciousness," Neuroscience 2015, Oct 17-21, Chicago, IL, USA (2015).

- Domestic Conference in Korea

  1. Y.-S. Kim, B.-H. Hong, Y.-M. Jo, and S.-E. Kim*, "Anesthesia-depth Estimation based on Frequency Band Power in EEG." Proceedings of IEIE Summer Conference 2021, Jun 30- Jul 2, 2021, Jeju, Korea. (Korean)

  2. Y. Kwak, W.-J. Song, and S.-E. Kim*, "Deep Learning with Data Augmentation for EEG Classification," Proceedings of IEIE Summer Conference 2021, Jun 30- Jul 2, 2021, Jeju, Korea. (Korean)

  3. Y. Kwak, W.-J. Song, and S.-E. Kim*, "EEG-based Emotion Recognition Using Graph Neural Network with Static and Dynamic Adjacency Matrix," Proceedings of IEIE Summer Conference 2020, Aug 19-21, 2020, Jeju, Korea. (Korean)

  4. Y.-S. Kim and S.-E. Kim*, "전신 마취 수술 중 측정한 EEG에서 Suppression 검출 알고리즘," Proceedings of IKEEE Summer Conference 2020, Aug 13, 2020, Seoul, Korea. (Korean)

  5. B. Park, E. Kang, T. Kang, J.-J. Lee and S.-E. Kim*, "A Study on the User Recognition based on Human Body Impulse Response," Proceedings of KICS Winter Conference 2020, Feb 6, 2020, Gangwon, Korea. (Korean)

  6. Y. Kwak, W.-J. Song, B.-K. Min and S.-E. Kim*, "Classification of Working Memory Performance with 3D Convolutional Neural Network from EEG Signals," Proceedings of KICS Winter Conference 2020, Feb 6, 2020, Gangwon, Korea. (Korean)

  7. S.-M. Kim and S.-E. Kim*, "Study on Selection of Installation Area for Distributed Photovoltaic Generator based on Power Demand and Supply Characteristics of Incheon Metropolitan City," Proceedings of KIEE Summer Conference 2019, Jul 11, 2019, Gangwon, Korea. (Korean)

  8. Y.-S. Kim, W.-J. Choi, H.-S. Park, and S.-E. Kim*, "Comparison of Awareness Risk under, Thiopental and Propofol induced General Anesthesia using Bispectral Index, Spectral Entorpy, Renyi Permutation Entorpy" Proceedings of IEIE Summer Conference 2019, Jun 27, 2019 Jeju, Korea. (Korean)

  9. Y. Kwak, W.-J. Song, B.-K. Min and S.-E. Kim*, "Brain Functional Networks Analysis in Working Memory Task," Proceedings of 2019 IEIE Summer Conference, Jun 27, 2019, Jeju, Korea. (Korean)

  10. Y. Kwak, W.-J. Song, and S.-E. Kim*, "Noise-Invariant Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network for EEG Signal," Proceedings of IEIE Summer Conference 2018, Jun 28, 2018, Jeju, Korea. (Korean)

  11. J.-W. Kim, Y.-S. Kim, S.-M. Kim, M.-S. Han, and S.-E. Kim*, "Authentication using Pulse Signals based on Machine Learning Algorithms," Proceedings of IEIE Summer Conference 2018, Jun 28, 2018, Jeju, Korea. (Korean)

  12. S.-E. Kim, "Adaptive State-Space Spectral Estimation Algorithm for Improving EEG Spectral Resolution," Proceedings of 2017 IEIE Summer Conference, Jun 30, 2017, Haewondae, Korea. (Korean)

  13. H.-S. Lee, S.-E. Kim, and W.-J. Song, "Diffusion LMS Algorithm with Variable Step-Size", Proceedings of The 24th Korean Signal Processing Conference (KSPC'11), Sep 24, Kwangju, Korea. (2011) (Korean)

  14. K.-H. Kim, Y.-S. Choi, S.-E. Kim, and W.-J. Song, "An Affine Projection Algorithm with Sporadic Updates," Proceedings of 2010 IEEK Fall Conference, Nov 2010, pp. 2557-2558. (Korean)

  15. K.-H. Kim, S.-E. Kim, and W.-J. Song, "Parallel Affine Projection Filters with Selective Updates," Proceedings of The 23rd Korean Signal Processing Conference (KSPC'10), Oct 2010. (Korean)

  16. S.-E. Kim, Y.-S. Choi, and W.-J. Song, "A New Normalized Subband Adaptive Filter for Improving Performance at a Low SNR," Proceedings of 2010 IEEK Summer Conference, vol. 33, no. 1, Jun 2010, pp. 2-3. (Korean)

  17. J.-W. Lee, S.-E. Kim, and W.-J. Song, "Subband Pseudo Affine Projection Algorithm," Proceedings of The 22nd Korean Signal Processing Conference (KSPC'09), Sep 2009. (Korean)

  18. S.-E. Kim, Young-Seok Choi, and Woo-Jin Song, "Improved Normalized Sign LMS Algorithm with Sparse Updates," Proceedings of The 22nd Korean Signal Processing Conference (KSPC'09), Sep 2009. (Korean)

  19. M.-K. Song, S.-E. Kim, and W.-J. Song, "Dynamic Band Selective Normalized Subband Adaptive Filter," Proceedings of 2009 IEEK Summer Conference, vol. 32, no. 1, Jul 2009, pp. 973-974. (Korean)

  20. S.-E. Kim, S.-J. Kong, and W.-J. Song, "Affine Projection Algorithm with Variable Order," Proceedings of The 21st Korean Signal Processing Conference (KSPC'08), Sep 2008. (Korean)

  21. J.-H. Lee, S.-E. Kim, J.-Y. An, and W.-J. Song, "Motion Blur Reducing Algorithm with Adaptive Frame Manupulation," Proceedings of The 21st Korean Signal Processing Conference (KSPC'08), Sep 2008. (Korean)

  22. S.-E. Kim, Y.-S. Choi, J.-E. Lee, and W.-J. Song, "Partial-Update L∞-norm based Adaptive Filtering Algorithm with Sparse Updates," Proceedings of The 20th Korean Signal Processing Conference (KSPC'07), Oct 2007. (Korean)

Ph. D. Thesis

S.-E. Kim, Novel Adaptive Filters with Active Autoregulation Mechanisms, POSTECH, Aug 2010.


  1. [등록] 김성은, 김성무, 김종원, 김연수, 김제모, "사용자 인증 시스템 및 방법," (대한민국 10-2215522), Feb 5, 2021.

  2. [출원] 김성은, "딥러닝 기반의 뇌파 특징량 정규화 시스템 및 방법," (대한민국 10-2021-0004723), Jan 13, 2021. (PCT/KR2021/001988), Feb 17, 2021.

  3. [Grant] E. N. Brown, S.-E. Kim, M. Behr, D. E. Ba, "Systems And Methods for Analyzing Electrophysiological Data from Patients Undergoing Medical Treatments," (US 10786168)), Sep 29, 2020.

  4. [등록] 김성은, 김용, 안현기, 김응선, 홍현수, "디바이스 위치 결정 방법 및 장치," (대한민국 10-2085182), Feb 28, 2020.

  5. [출원] 김성은, "뇌 인지 부하 분류 시스템 및 방법," (대한민국 10-2019-0136685), Oct 30, 2019.

  6. [출원] 김성은, 김성무, 김종원, 김연수, 김제모, "사용자 인증 시스템 및 방법," (대한민국 10-2019-0038583), Apr 2, 2019.

  7. [등록] 김성은, 김용, 김응선, 안현기, 윤지현, "자기장 지도를 수정하는 방법, 자기장 지도를 수정하는 사용자 단말 및 서버," (대한민국 10-1960280), Mar 14, 2019.

  8. [등록] 김성은, 김용, 김응선, 안현기, "진북과 자북 간의 차이를 이용하여 사용자 단말의 위치를 추정하는 방법 및 그 사용자 단말," (대한민국 10-1957748), Mar 7, 2019.

  9. [등록] 윤지현, 김성은, 김용, 김응선, 안현기, "3차원 자기장 지도에 기초하여 생성된 입자 필터를 이용하여 위치를 추정하는 이동 단말 및 그 장치를 이용한 방법," (대한민국 10-1957750), Mar 7, 2019.

  10. [등록] 김성은, 김용, 김응선, 안현기, 윤지현, "사용자와의 인터랙션을 통해 사용자 단말의 초기 위치를 설정하는 방법 및 그 사용자 단말," (대한민국 10-1932590), Dec 19, 2018.

  11. [등록] 김성은, 김용, 김응선, 안현기, 윤지현, "건물의 도면 정보에 기초하여 자기장 지도를 생성하는 방법 및 장치," (대한민국 10-1923939), Nov 26, 2018.

  12. [Grant] S.-E. Kim, Y. Kim, E. S. Kim, H. Ahn, J. Yoon, “Terminal and Server for Modifying Magnetic Field and Method Thereof,” (US 9995564), Jun 12, 2018.

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  15. [Grant] S.-E. Kim, Y. Kim, E. S. Kim, H. Ahn, J. Yoon, “Method and Apparatus for Creating Magnetic Field Map based on Floor Plan Information of Building,” (US 9709375), Jul 18, 2017.

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  19. [Grant] S.-E. Kim, Y. Kim, E. S. Kim, H. Ahn, J. Yoon, “Method of Setting Initial Location of User Terminal via Interaction with User and User Terminal,” (US 9137632 B2), Sep 15, 2015.

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