
Congratulation on year-end & new year party !! 

한 해 고생 많았고, 새해 보다 발전하고 



-Let's develop and grow more in this new year!-

Congratulation!!, 박새미  

Congratulations on your marriage !!


We hope your happiness~~

-새미야 결혼 축하한다 !-

" 행복하고 또 행복 하거라~!"

 Congratulation on your graduation!! : Mann & Pramila


We hope that you will be always happy in your daily life and better for your works as Ph. D...


     Congratulations on Sushil paper acceptance in Advanced Energy Materials !!           

 5월은 가정의 달!!!

어린이날, 어버이날, 스승의 날을 맞아 APL 식구 모두 행복하고 의미있는 시간들 되길 !

May is a Family Month!!!

On Children's Day, Parents' Day, and Teacher's Day, I hope all the APL family members have a happy and meaningful time 


Congratulation on Mann paper introduction in "JBNU Now" Media  


 배준호 석사의 GS 건설 합격을 축하합니다! 

Jun-Ho Bae received an acceptance notification 

as a senior researcher of GS 건설 (2023) 

Congratulations!! We are Highly proud of you !!!           



Congratulations on your marriage !!


We hope your happiness~~

-준호의 앞날에 행복이 가득하길!-

" 행복하고 또 행복 하거라~!"

 조세빈 박사의 현대에너지솔루션 합격을 축하합니다! 

Dr. Sephin Cho received an acceptance notification 

as a principal researcher (책임연구원) of HYUNDAI Energy solutions (2022) 

Congratulations!! We are Highly proud of you !!!           

APL (광전자 연구실), 한국전력공사 기초연구사업, 우수과제 연구실 선정 -2022

이현정  won a best poster paper award


in "한국태양에너지학회"


Congratulations !! 

Congratulation on 유진 paper JBNU Now 언론 홍보  

Congratulation!!, 방수미  

Congratulations on your marriage !!


We hope your happiness~~

-언제나 한결같이, 평생 함께-

" 행복하고 또 행복 하거라~!"

 노용진 박사의 한국전력연구원 합격을 축하합니다! 

Dr. Yong-Jin Noh received an acceptance notification 

as a seneior researcher of KEPCO. (2022)

Congratulations!! We are Highly proud of you !!!                  

 강유진 석사의 한국전력연구원 합격을 축하합니다! 

You-Jin Kang received an acceptance notification 

as a researcher of KEPCO. (2022)

           Congratulations!! We are Highly proud of you !!!                  

Mann, Pramila, and Saksi received the best poster award in GPVC conference.(2021)

           Congratulations!! We are Highly proud of you !!!                  

박새미 석사의 (주)지에스모아 합격을 축하합니다! 

Sae-Mi Park received an acceptance notification 

as a staff in GS MOA. (2022)

 Congratulations!! We are Highly proud of you !!!   

방수미 석사의 한화솔루션 합격을 축하합니다! 

Sumi Bang received an acceptance notification 

as a researcher of Hanwha Solutions. (2021)

 Congratulations!! We are Highly proud of you !!!   

Prof 나석인, JBNU Fellow 선정 -2021

한림원탁토론회: 젊은 과학자가 보는 미래대학 

젊은 과학자가 보는 미래대학 - YTN 사이언스


YTN 사이언스 · YTN 사이언스 · Aug 8, 2020

사회자 : 장호원 / 서울대학교 재료공학부 교수, 토론자 : 김병수 / 연세대학교 화학과 교수, 정우성 / 포항공과대학교 산업경영공학과 교수, 나석인 / 전북대학교 유연인쇄전자전문대학원 교수, 손기훈 / 포항공과대학교 생명과학과 교수, 이성주 / 아주대학교 산업공학과 교수, 주영석 / 한국과학기술원 의과학대학원 교수 


전북대 영자신문: 인터뷰

"Becoming a Young Scientist to Lead the Future"

Professor Na Seok-in (Y-KAST)

출처 : 전북대영자신문(

What It Means to Become a Y-KAST Member

Professor Na Seok-In, a Professor of the Professional Graduate School of Flexible and Printable Electronics, was recently elected as a young scientist in order to help lead Korea through the Young Korean Academy of Science and Technology (Y-KAST). The Korean Academy of Science and Technology (KAST) is the institution with the most distinguished scientists in Korea. They are also the driving force for advancing and globalizing the nation’s academic activities in science and technology. The purpose of Y-KAST is to encourage Y-KAST members to actively participate in the global field of technology advancement. Y-KAST provides an opportunity for members to communicate with the world’s leading-class scientists in the future by allowing scientists now under the age of 45 to share scientific knowledge and build networks with members of the international young academy.

About the Professional Graduate School Where Professor Na Studied

JBNU Professional Graduate School of Flexible and Printable Electronics (PE), where Professor Na has studied, is currently the only one in Korea. It was d for the purpose of the development of human resources in PE fields since 2012. This graduate school acquired the 'Professional Graduate School' title to be authorized as the only school for this field by the Korean government. Many people would not know much about this field because the graduate school's name is not familiar to most people. Professor Na said about the PE field that, “the word ‘flexible’ refers to “studying devices that can be flexed and unfolded freely. You could imagine that it is an important technology that is applied to foldable Smartphones that are often talked about these days. The word ‘Printable Electronics’ means electronic devices which are manufactured by printing techniques. It can be considered to be something like eco-friendly printing technology that does not contain toxic substances.”

The Road to Professional Graduate School of Flexible and Printable Electronics

The Professional Graduate School of Flexible and Printable Electronics is located within the College of Engineering. As one might clearly guess, it is a graduate school affiliated with the College of Engineering. Professor Na said, “In our graduate school, there are students in many kinds of departments. At this point, it is not advantageous to admit specific departments of science and engineering” into the graduate school. “If somebody wants to study at our graduate school, it will be helpful to study subjects that” are only “general sciences.”

Advice to Students Who Wants to be Professors

As a professor who leads in the professional Graduate School, Professor Na gave some compelling advice to readers who hope to be a professor or wants to work at a research facility. “I graduated from the Department of Information Materials Engineering at JBNU. Luckily, I came back to JBNU and met my students in class. During class, I felt students are too needy and too modest for the position at JBNU. I heard things like “I am bad at studying,” or “It’s not my type to study hard at my desk.” Then in the same way, among fifty students in my class, who is the type to study? Students who earned the highest grade? I think it is all the same for all of my students, because the moment they enter JBNU, I think their ability and knowledge is enough.”

“However, due to one’s low self-esteem, they conclude, “to study more isn’t my way,” to themselves. My next question is, “How did you know that it isn't your way?” CSAT? Every high school student worked hard for it. You would know how much you did compared to others. Getting 990 Points on TOEIC? Always getting the best grade in class? That person was one of the fifty people in the beginning. All students are qualified to enter an academic career. Many students think an academic career is severe. I myself couldn't get good grades in my university, and many professors who I admired weren't exceptional from the start. “My advice is when you have doubt about your path, you should consider, ‘You didn't do it because you can't. You can't do it because you didn't.’”

Through this article, it is our hope that viewers will know more about KAST, Professional Graduate School of Flexible and Printable Electronics, the Department of Flexible and Printable Electronics, and to learn some sage advice from Professor Na on how to solve your problems about studying. In conclusion, if you have any problems with something you are working on, such as not feeling confident in your work, following Professor Na’s advice on being determined could be of great use to you.

Kwon Jong-hwan Editor, Kim Ju Myeong Reporter

출처 : 전북대영자신문(

서유현  won a best poster paper award


in a Korea Photovoltaic Society


Congratulations !! 


중앙일보 대학 평가 팀이 2011~2014년 발표 논문을 조사한 결과,

논문의 질로 따져본 “40세 미만 공학 분야 연구자” 5명 이내에 나석인 교수님 Ranking 되셨습니다.

[출처: 중앙일보_2016/10/18] [2016 중앙일보 대학평가] 조은진·류혜진…자연과학·의학 40세 미만 톱10, 절반이 여성 


양승렬, Seung-Lyeol Yang received an acceptance notification as a member of Applied Materials.

(World's No. 1 semiconductor equipment manufacturers)


여준석 박사, Dr. Jun-seok Yeo received an acceptance notification as a member

of Korea Institute of Science Technology Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)

Congratulation!!, 김수현  

Congratulations on your marriage !!


We hope your happiness~~

" 행복하고 또 행복하게아라~!"


노용진 큰 아이 돌잔치 

" 큰 사람이 되어라~!"


고영진, YeongJin Go received an acceptance notification 

as a member of Jeonbuk Technopark.

 Congratulation on Tae-Woon Kang’s paper acceptance!!

Congratulations!!                    - 2015

Congratulation on your graduation!! : Su-Hyeon Kim


We hope that you will have good things in your daily life always...

나석인 교수팀 '高효율 차세대 태양전지기술' 개발


 김봉구 기자 ] 전북대는 유연인쇄전자전문대학원 나석인 교수(사진) 연구팀이 차세대 태양전지 핵심기술인 페로브스카이트(Perovskite) 태양전지 기술을 개발했다고 4일 밝혔다.

 나 교수와 GIST(광주과학기술원) 김동유 교수 등으로 이뤄진 연구팀은 ‘꿈의 신소재’로 불리는 그래핀을 활용해 태양전지 발전 효율과 수명을 획기적으로 개선하는 데 성공했다.

 페로브스카이트는 실리콘 소재 등 기존 태양전지에 비해 저비용으로 대량생산이 가능하면서도 효율성이 우수해 차세대 태양전지 소재로 주목받고 있다. 그러나 성능 향상을 위해 삽입되는 고분자 화합물(PEDOT:PSS)의 높은 산성과 습기를 빨아들이는 성질이 전지 수명을 단축시키는 단점이 있었다.

 나 교수팀은 전도성과 유연성, 내구성이 탁월한 그래핀을 새로운 삽입층으로 도입해 이 문제를 해결했다.

 교수팀은 값싼 흑연을 통해 얻을 수 있는 ‘산화-환원 그래핀’을 삽입해 페로브스카이트 태양전지를 제조, 실험을 통해 기존 소자보다 약 30% 높은 발전 효율을 입증했다. 산화-환원 그래핀 재료 자체의 안정적 특성으로 인해 소자 수명도 기존에 비해 2배 이상 높아졌다.

 나 교수는 “이번 연구는 차세대 태양전지인 페로브스카이트 태양전지의 단점을 개선한 의미가 있다. 저렴한 가격의 성능 좋은 태양전지 상용화를 앞당길 수 있을 것”이라고 말했다.

 이번 연구는 미래창조과학부 지원을 받아 이뤄졌으며 권위 있는 에너지 분야 국제학술지 ‘나노 에너지’ 3월호에 게재될 예정이다.


- 한국경제 2015. 03. 04. -

Sae-Mi Park wins a prize

in a Korea society of optoelectronics.


 Dr. Sung-Nam Kwon recently achieved a highly competitive research project from NRF.


 Yong-Jin Noh won a best presenter award

in special session of the international workshop on flexible & printable electronics (2014).


 Congratulation on Yong-Jin Noh’s paper acceptance!!


 Su-Hyeon Kim's recent paper was selected as

a back cover of Nanoscale

(Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 7183)

  - 전북일보 2014년 7월 8일 -  


Congratulations on your marriage !!

We hope your happiness!! 



Global Ph.D. Fellowship :  Yong-Jin Noh

Congratulations !


산학장학생, Industry-University Scholarship in  LG Display

: Su-Hyeon Kim

We are proud of you!! 

Su-Hyeon Kim wins a prize 

in Jeonbuk woman engineering conference.

Professor Na Seok-in Invents New Material 

Congratulation on your graduation!! : Su-Cheol Park

I hope that you will have good things in your daily life always....


 Jun-Seok Yeo’s recent paper was selected as 

a front cover of Journal of Materials Chemistry A. (20140114)



    Congratulations on the award-winning : 

Su-Hyeon Kim, Eun-su Choi (20131217)


 Dr. Jin-Mun Yun received an acceptance notification 

as a seneior researcher of KAERI. (201310)


The Graduate : Yeong-Jin Go (20130822)


Congratulation on your graduation!!

I hope that you will have good things in your daily life always....

Our good news of the SCI publication

   Congratulation on Yong-Jin Noh’s paper acceptance!! (20130527)




"Celebrate our good news of the SCI publication in high impact jounals"

 Yeong-Jin's paper is recently published in APL, which is the first paper in our lab.

Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 163302 (2013)