

      "What gets measured gets done." with Min, K. & Kim, D. 

      "Energy Access and Microeconomic Development: A Case Study of Vietnam." with Son, H.

      "The impact of provincial governance on household resilience to natural disasters." with Jo, S. & Son, H. 

      "Environmental consciousness and e-waste management." with Joo, D. & Son, H. 

      Cupping in context: valuing and pricing green specialty coffees.” with Kocak, O. & Roberts, P, submitted

      "Food sovereignty and climate resilience through regional development assistance programs: Insights from the Pacific Region." with Platts, E, submitted.

      "Aspirational Revolution or Aspiration Failure? Evidence on Expectations for Children’s Education in China." with Hwang, I, submitted

      Can New Learning Opportunities Reshape Gender Attitudes for Girls?: Field Evidence from Tanzania.”  with Ahn, S. & Hahn, Y. submitted

      "Innovative experiential approach to STEM education program in Low Resource Settings" with Park, S, submitted


     "Managing coordination for the 1.5 ° C target."

     "Context-dependent Nature of Local SDGs." with Lee, K. 


[17] "Delivering sustainable development via social innovation: Cases of social entrepreneurship in South Korea and Singapore." with Ho, J, Sustainable Development, 2024. [online]

[16"Deciphering the Nexus Between Sustainable Development and the Triple Bottom Line: Insights from B Corporations" with Lee, J., Journal of International and Area Studies, 31(1):97-120, 2024. [online]

[15"Can Labeling Policies Facilitate Sustainable Consumption and Production?: A Case Study of a Government-led Ecolabeling Program in Indonesia." with Joo, D., International Development and Cooperation Review, 15(4):137-157, 2023. [online]

[14]  "Ambiguous Roles of Intermediaries in Social Entrepreneurship: The Case of Social Innovation System in South Korea." with Ho, J., Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 175:121324, 2022. [online]

[13]  "Transboundary Air Pollution and Health: Evidence from East Asia." with Choi, A. & Jung, J., Environment and Development Economics, 27(2):120-144, 2022. [online]

[12]  “Electrification, Labor Force Participation, and Perceived Social Status for Women in Rural China.” with Hwang, I, Asian Journal of Women's Studies, 27(1):87-108, 2021. [online]

[11]   "On Discourse-Practice Misalignment: A Mixed-Method Study of the World Bank’s Education Projects." with Kim, J, East and West Studies, 33(1):5-63, 2021. [online]

[10]   “Reducing energy poverty: Characteristics of household electricity use in Vietnam.” with Son, H, Energy for Sustainable Development, 59:62-70, 2020. [online]

[9]  "Present and Future of Higher Education of Cambodia: The Potential of An Information Delivery Platform to Promote Inclusive Educational Opportunities." with Chung, M., Park, J., Choi, S., Kim, Y., International Development and Cooperation Review, 12(4):201-222, 2020. [online]

[8]   “Demand for Solar Home Systems in Cambodia: Public Awareness and Willingness to Pay from Takeo Province.” with Kang, Y. & Kim, D., International Development and Cooperation Review, 12(1):69-85, 2020. [online]

[7]   “Current Status of Education for Sustainable Development in Christian Universities: A Case Study of Chapel in Yonsei University.” with Chung, M., Kim, J.  University and Mission, 38:351-382, 2018.  [online]

[6]  “In-depth Analysis of Reliability Issues of Solar Pico-grids in Rural Areas.” with Numminen, S., Lund, P., Urpelainen, J.   Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 29:147-154, 2018. [online]

[5]   “An Evaluation of Dynamic Electricity Pricing for Solar Micro-grids in Rural India.” with Numminen, S., Lund, P., Urpelainen, J.  Energy Strategy Reviews, 21:130-136, 2018. [online]  

[4]   “Can Product Demonstrations Create Markets for Sustainable Energy Technology? A Randomized Controlled Trial in Rural India.” Energy Policy, 109:666-675, 2017. [online]

[3]  "Willingness to Pay for Solar Lanterns: Does the Trial Period Play a Role?" with Kandlikar, M & Urpelainen, J, Review of Policy Research, 33(3):291-315, 2016. [online]

[2]   "Solar Products for Poor Rural Communities as a Business: Lessons from a Successful Project in Uttar Pradesh, India" with Urpelainen, J. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 18:617–626, 2016.  2015 CTEP Outstanding Paper Award [online]

[1]  "Solar Home Systems for Rural India: Survey Evidence on Awareness and Willingness to Pay from Uttar Pradesh." with Urpelainen, J. Energy for Sustainable Development, 24:70-78, February 2015. [online]