Self Driving Car Overview and Materials


    • 2 continuous rotation servos
    • Plastic base for the base of the robot
    • Raspberry Pi
    • Raspberry Pi Camera Module
    • 2 power Sources (1 5V power bank for Raspberry Pi, 1 6V 4-AA battery pack for the two servos)
    • Breadboard
    • Wires


Project Description:

    • Phase 1: Create an RC car that can be controlled with keyboard controls in order to collect driving data. Every time a movement command [forward, left, right] is issued to the car, the car takes a picture of its current surroundings as well as moves a step according to the input command.
    • Phase 2: Use TensorFlow to create and train a deep learning neural network model with the training data to predict what direction the car should move toward in a given situation. The training maximizes the accuracy of the model’s predictions with the given training data.
    • Phase 3: Use the trained model in real time, so the car can drive autonomously.