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Researchers with the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), the University of Missouri, and Ohio State University have proposed a new method for spin transport that transfers information from spins to more robust superconductors vortices (

October 2018

The spintronic vision of the future is one where information is encoded in the spins of electrons or other particles. But a major hurdle preventing the realization of this vision is the fact that spins don’t travel very well: they lose the information they encode through scattering after moving as little as a few nanometers through a material. A new proposal for spin transport could overcome this problem by transferring information from spins to more robust superconductor vortices.

Vortices are small regions in a superconductor where the current flows around in a circle. These so-called topological defects, which form by thermal fluctuations and also by exposure to a magnetic field, are typically considered a nuisance, as they introduce resistance when they move through the superconductor. However, Se Kwon Kim from the University of Missouri, Columbia, and colleagues have a plan to resuscitate the reputation of vortices by using them as information couriers.

December 2016

Sound waves could be used to move magnetic domain walls in ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials – according to calculations done by Se Kwon Kim, Daniel Hill and Yaroslav Tserkovnyak at the University of California, Los Angeles. The effect, which has yet to be verified in the lab, could be used to generate magnetic solitons in insulators and could even find use in racetrack memories that store data in magnetic domain walls. The trio looked at a 1D magnetic wire in which the magnetization tends to point along the direction of the wire. The domain walls, therefore, are regions along the wire where the magnetization rotates out of the direction of the wire to achieve a reversal in the magnetization direction. The trio’s calculations focussed on quantized transverse vibrations – called phonons – that can travel along the wire. These phonons can be circularly polarized (and carry angular momentum) or linearly polarized (carrying no angular momentum). The calculations show that a domain wall can be moved by circularly polarized phonons, which exert a torque on the wall when they encounter it. More surprisingly, the research also suggests that linearly polarized phonons will move a domain wall in an antiferromagnetic wire by simply transferring linear momentum to the wall. The research is described in Physical Review Letters.