General Information
Here is a Stochastic Processes and Mathematical Finance Curriculum (Studieninformation). Course material is available on Stud.IP.
2024 (winter)
Lecture - Stochastische Prozesse (Stochastic Processes)
Lecture - Finance C (with Marc-Oliver Rieger)
Lecture - Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung (Introduction to Probability)
Seminar - Probability Theory (TBA)
2023 (winter)
Lecture - Stochastische Prozesse (Stochastic Processes)
Lecture - Finance C (with Marc-Oliver Rieger, Artem Dyachenko)
Lecture - Maß- und Integrationstheorie (Measure and Integration Theory, by Berenice Neumann)
Seminar - Stochastic Processes (Brownian Motion)
2023 (summer)
Lecture - Stochastische Analysis und Mathematical Finance (Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Finance)
Lecture - Zinsstruktur- und Kreditrisikomodelle (Interest Rate and Credit Risk)
Lecture - Optimales Stoppen (Optimal Stopping Theory, by Berenice Neumann)
Lecture - Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung II (Introduction to Probability II, by Berenice Neumann)
Seminar - Percolation Theory
2022 (winter)
Lecture - Stochastische Prozesse (Stochastic Processes)
Lecture - Finance C (with Marc-Oliver Rieger, Artem Dyachenko)
Lecture - Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung I (Introduction to Probability, by Berenice Neumann)
Seminar - Markov-Ketten und Erneuerungsprozesse (Markov Chains and Renewal Processes, by Berenice Neumann)
2022 (summer)
Lecture - Stochastische Analysis und Mathematical Finance (Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Finance)
Lecture - Zinsstruktur- und Kreditrisikomodelle (Interest Rate and Credit Risk)
Lecture - Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie (Probability Theory, by Berenice Neumann)
Seminar - Stochastische Algorithmen (Stochastic Algorithms)
2021 (winter)
Lecture - Finance C (with Marc-Oliver Rieger, Artem Dyachenko)
Lecture - Stochastische Prozesse (Stochastic Processes, by Berenice Neumann)
Seminar - Credit Risk
2021 (summer)
Lecture - Stochastische Analysis und Mathematical Finance (Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Finance, by Berenice Neumann)
Lecture - Zinsstruktur- und Kreditrisikomodelle (Interest Rate and Credit Risk)
2020 (winter)
Lecture - Stochastische Prozesse (Stochastic Processes)
Lecture - Finance C (with Marc-Oliver Rieger)
Seminar - Quantitative Risk Management
2020 (summer)
Lecture - Stochastische Analysis und Mathematical Finance (Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Finance)
Lecture - Zinsstruktur- und Kreditrisikomodelle (Interest Rate and Credit Risk)
2019 (winter)
Lecture - Stochastische Prozesse (Stochastic Processes)
Lecture - Finance C (with Marc-Oliver Rieger)
Seminar - Mathematical Finance
2019 (summer)
Lecture - Stochastische Analysis und Mathematical Finance (Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Finance)
Lecture - Stochastische Kontrolltheorie (Stochastic Control Theory)
2017 (winter)
Lecture - Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung (Elementary Probability)
Lecture - Zinsstruktur- und Kreditrisikomodelle (Interest Rate and Credit Risk)
Seminar - Information Theory
2017 (summer)
Lecture - Stochastische Analysis und Mathematical Finance (Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Finance)
Lecture - Elemente der Analysis II (Mathematics for Economists II)
2016 (winter)
2016 (summer)
Lecture - Stochastische Analysis und Mathematical Finance (Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Finance)
Lecture - Zinsstruktur- und Kreditrisikomodelle (Interest Rate and Credit Risk)
Seminar - Exotische Optionen (Exotic Options)
2015 (winter)
Lecture - Stochastische Prozesse (Stochastic Processes)
Lecture - Portfolio-Theorie (Portfolio Theory)
Seminar - Brown'sche Bewegung (Brownian Motion)
2015 (summer)
2014 (winter)
2014 (summer)
Lecture - Statistik II für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler (Statistical Methods for Economists)
Lecture - Grundlagen der Finanzmathematik (Foundations of Mathematical Finance)
Reading Course - Nonlinear Expectations (with Christoph Belak and Jörn Saß)
BSc Project (Fachpraktikum) - Discrete-Time Recursive Utility
BSc Project (Fachpraktikum) - Bootstrapping and Yield Curve Construction
2013 (winter)
Seminar - Mathematical Finance PhD Seminar
2013 (summer)
Lecture - Grundlagen der Finanzmathematik (Foundations of Mathematical Finance)
Reading Course - Counterparty Credit Risk, Collateral and Funding
Seminar - Mathematical Finance PhD Seminar
2012 (winter)
Lecture - Interest Rate Theory (Financial Mathematics II)
Seminar - Quantitative Risk Management
Reading Course - Point Processes and Intensities
2012 (summer)
Lecture - Stochastic Processes and Financial Markets (Financial Mathematics I)
Seminar - Continuous-Time Contract Theory (with Sascha Desmettre)
BSc Project (Fachpraktikum) - Nonstandard Risk Preferences
Reading Course - Foundations of Stochastic Analysis
2011 (winter)
Lecture - The Mathematics of Arbitrage
Seminar - Classical Papers in Mathematical Economics and Finance (with Jörn Saß)
2011 (summer)
Lecture - Stochastic Control and Financial Applications
Seminar - Portfolio Optimization
2010 (winter)
Lecture - Interest Rate Theory (Financial Mathematics II)
Lecture - Probability Theory (for Prof. Dr. Heinrich von Weizsäcker)
Seminar - Credit Risk