Month Names in the Major Slavic Languages

This page provides tables of the month names currently in use by speakers of the major Slavic languages. For ease of reference, it has been divided into two tables: one for the major Eastern and Western Slavic languages, and another for the major South Slavic languages.

Month names in major Eastern and Western Slavic languages

Month names in the South Slavic languages

Note: The reader will notice that, with the exception of Croatian, most South Slavic languages have adopted the forms of Latin-derived month names from the Gregorian calendar. Slovene, Serbian, Macedonian, and Bulgarian all also have older sets of calendar names based on Slavic roots. Since these older names are not likely to be encountered in the course of cataloging work, they have not been included here: readers interested in tracing them can find them in the comparative table of traditional month names at

Revised: Oct. 3, 2015