Authorized Access Points and Classification Numbers for Macedonia

The term “Macedonia” refers to four closely related but distinct geographical entities that must be carefully distinguished. First, it refers to the region forming the heartland of the ancient kingdom of Macedonia, which encompassed parts of present-day Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, Serbia, Kosovo and the Republic of North Macedonia (see the area enclosed by the line of dots in the map). Second, it refers to the Republic of North Macedonia, or North Macedonia for short, a nation located in the northwestern part of the region of Macedonia (see the orange-colored territory in the map): formerly one of the six constituent republics of Yugoslavia, this state achieved independence in 1991 and was known as the Republic of Macedonia until the adoption of its current name in February 2019. Third, it can refer to Pirin Macedonia, also known as Blagoevgrad Oblast, a region that encompasses the southwestern-most part of Bulgaria (see the green-colored territory enclosed by the line of dots in the map). Finally, it can refer to Greek Macedonia, a region covering most of north-central Greece (see the yellow-colored territory above the lower loop of the line of dots in the map).

Map of Macedonia

This chapter (1) enumerates the access points for the different geographical entities known as Macedonia, (2) provides guidelines on the term "Macedonian" used as an adjectival qualifier in Library of Congress Subject Headings, and (3) lists the Library of Congress Classification class numbers for the different geographical entities known as Macedonia.

1. Access points for Macedonia


Descriptive usage: cannot be used as a descriptive access point.
Subject usage: refers to (1) the kingdom of Macedonia, the ancient kingdom on the north of the Greek peninsula, and (2) the region defined by that kingdom, which encompassed parts of present-day Greece, Bulgaria, Albania, and the Republic of Macedonia, and formed part of various kingdoms, empires, and national states over the course of its history. Subdivision form is --Macedonia.

Macedonia (Republic)

Descriptive usage: refers to the Republic of Macedonia, one of the six republics composing Yugoslavia which became an independent state in 1991 with its capital at Skopje, for the period between 1946 and 2019.
Subject usage: cannot be used as a subject heading; works about this place are entered under the heading --North Macedonia.

Please note: The term Macedonia (Republic) is no longer valid as a subject heading. Catalogers who encounter the subject heading Macedonia (Republic) or its subdivision form in a record are strongly encouraged to change it to the currently valid form North Macedonia or its subdivision form.

North Macedonia

Descriptive usage: refers to the current Republic of North Macedonia, which adopted its present name in February 2019.
Subject usage: refers to the territory covered by the former Republic of Macedonia and the current Republic of North Macedonia. The subdivision form is --North Macedonia.

Please note: Until August 2019, this territory was represented by the subject heading Macedonia (Republic), which is no longer valid.

Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria : Oblast)

Descriptive usage: refers to the Blagoevgrad Oblast, the southwesternmost province of Bulgaria, which lies immediately to the east of the Republic of Macedonia.
Subject usage: refers to the territory covered by the Blagoevgrad Oblast in Bulgaria, also known as Pirin Macedonia or Bulgarian Macedonia. The subdivision form is --Bulgaria—Blagoevgrad (Oblast).

Please note: Until June 2017, this territory was represented by the subject heading Macedonia (Bulgaria). Please note that this subject heading is no longer valid. Catalogers who encounter the subject heading Macedonia (Bulgaria) or its subdivision form in a record are strongly encouraged to change it to the currently valid form Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria : Oblast) or its subdivision form.

Macedonia (Greece)

Descriptive usage: cannot be used as a descriptive access point.
Subject usage: refers to the region of Northern Greece encompassing Dytikē Makedonia [= Western Macedonia], Kentrikē Makedonia [= Central Macedonia], the Chalcidian Peninsula, and Anatolikē Makedonia kai Thrakē [= Eastern Macedonia and Thrace]. The subdivision form is --Greece--Macedonia.

2. Guidelines for the use of the term "Macedonian" as an adjectival qualifer in subject headings

According to the Subject Headings Manual (H1055), "[w]hen used as an adjectival qualifier to denote nationality, the term Macedonian refers to [the] ancient country and kingdom of Macedonia (which later became a Roman province), the present-day region of the Balkan Peninsula that has somewhat indefinite boundaries, and/or the country of North Macedonia." For example, the subject heading Art, Macedonian could be applied to either a book about the art of ancient Macedonia, a book about the art of the region of Macedonia (encompassing northern Greece, North Macedonia, parts of Bulgaria, Serbia, and Albania), or a book about art from the country of North Macedonia.

Note, however, that when it is absolutely necessary to distinguish between different senses of "Macedonian", the Library fo Congress Subject Headings headings use qualifiers to make the distinction. For example, the language of ancient Macedonia belonged to a different subfamily (Hellenic) of the Indo-European language family than the language of North Macedonia (Slavic): accordingly, the subject heading Macedonian language (Ancient) refers to the former while the subject heading Macedonian language is reserved for the latter.

3. Classification numbers for Macedonia


Ancient Kingdom of Macedonia (History). The correlated subject heading is Macedonia.


Ancient Kingdom of Macedonia (Ancient Greece). The correlated subject heading is Macedonia.


Macedonia (Modern Greece). The correlated subject heading is Macedonia (Greece)


Blagoevgrad (Okrug). Pirin Macedonia, in Bulgaria. The correlated subject heading is Blagoevgrad (Bulgaria : Oblast)


Medieval and modern Macedonia, including the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. The correlated subject headings are Macedonia and North Macedonia.

See also: Authorized Access Points and Codes for Yugoslavia and the Former Yugoslav Republics

Revised: July 20, 2017; May 5, 2020.