Appearance of Evil & Commandment Five Exploring the importance of both avoiding even the appearance of evil and practicing commandment five.
Become Like Children What does it mean to “become like children”?
Christ's Church Model Examining the Biblical prescription for Christ's vs. traditional mainstream's church model.
Civil Road to Tyranny History and intent of the song, "Battle Hymn of the Republic", and the history of how post-Civil War America gradually turned away from God while usurping our Creator-given Natural Rights.
Flat Earth? Simple scientific evidence exemplifies a spherical Earth.
God's Will (An Interactive Study) What is “God’s will”? The answer appears to be multi-faceted and worthy of exploration.
Heavenly Ambassadors What does it mean to be “Heavenly Ambassadors”, and what kingdom are we supposed to represent as Christians?
If God so Loved the World... Why are so Many People Going to Hell? Traditional Christian teachings consign 80% or more of humanity straight to eternal torture in an ever-burning “hell” when they die. Is this really the action of a just and merciful God?
Independence Day 2022 Exploring the Biblical principles upon which the concepts of independence and liberty are derived.
Jesus Is Our Rock Examining who the Bible exemplifies as being the chief cornerstone of the New Covenant church.
Judgement When is it just to judge? Exploring discernment regarding just vs. unjust judgement and its various meanings.
Life & Death (part 1) — The Fundamentals Comparing Biblical precepts regarding life & death with traditionally held mainstream beliefs.
Life & Death (part 2) — Immortality of the Soul Investigating the "immortality of the soul" doctrine for Biblical accuracy.
Life & Death (part 3) - Lazarus and the Rich Man Investigating the 5-part parable series in Luke 15 & 16 which leads up to this most often misunderstood parable.
Love Your Enemies How Christians can save the church from the culture of contempt which has become commonplace in today's society.
Loving One’s Neighbor As Oneself This subject of loving one’s neighbor as oneself is of paramount importance for our spiritual growth, and has an incredibly wide scope which is directly related to nearly all areas of Biblical doctrine.
Memorial Day Remembrance An American holiday Christians should honor and carefully consider.
Overcoming Fear With Agape Love Addressing the use of fear to manipulate the masses into cowering to mainstream narratives, even when deceit or absurdity is plainly obvious.
Overcoming Anxiety & Depression A short study covering various scriptures to help overcome anxiety & depression.
Prayer Perhaps one of the most neglected disciplines among Christianity, this study addresses methods of developing more effective prayer.
Repentance & Forgiveness Addressing what appears most important to God in examining ourselves daily, and especially as Passover approaches.
Seals One ~ Four • The Four Horsemen Focusing in on seals one through four from the millennial day perspective.
Seals Five ~ Seven Focusing in on seals five through seven from the millennial day perspective.
Sharpening Swords A helpful reminder in preparation for interactive Bible study.
Speaking in Tongues A short study into the Biblical example of "speaking in tongues".
Synagogue of satan — the Truth As Middle East conflicts increase, some Christians claim "Jews" are a synagogue of satan due to gross misunderstandings of scripture found in Revelation 2 & 3.
Unpardonable Sin What is it really and how can we know whether or not we have committed it?
Was Christ Forsaken by the Father? Did God Really Forsake Jesus During the Crucifixion? This deep study focuses upon an often misunderstood precept.
Where Are We In the Messianic Timeline? How close might the second coming of Jesus Christ, Yahshua Messiah, be?
Witness of the Stars The plan of God in the heavens, by E. W. Bullinger 1893
Women's Role in the Church - DRAFT Revealing truth regarding one of the most controversial issues in the Church.
Would God’s Holy Spirit Act Against God’s Word? A helpful first step in discerning spirits.
YHWH ~ Breath/Spirit Is our physical breath somehow related to the realm of the spiritual? Might “YHWH” somehow equate to breath and/or spirit? If so, might this reveal greater understanding regarding the name(s) of God?
Annual Appointed Times
Passover Simplified A simplified perspective of Passover... for a change!
Passover - From Old To New Covenant ∞ Intro Introduction to the three part study.
Passover - From Old To New Covenant I ∞ Physical Exodus Focusing upon Moses' accounts with Pharaoh and the ten plagues.
Passover - From Old To New Covenant II ∞ Spiritual Exodus Focusing upon the difference between the Old & New Covenant Passover.
Passover - From Old To New Covenant III ∞ Crucifixion to Resurrection Focusing upon events throughout Christ's crucifixion and resurrection.
Counting of Pentecost Discerning the Biblical formula for determining the Feast of Weeks.
Day of Trumpets Exploring the Day of Trumpets prophetically within the Old Testament..
Day of Atonement - A deeper look into this often misunderstood annual holy day, considering both old and new covenants , as well as discernment regarding the two goats.
Second Resurrection & Last Great Day Exploring the purpose of the second resurrection and Last Great Day.
Second Resurrection & Last Great Day (Romans 9-11) Exploring the purpose of the second resurrection and Last Great Day with emphasis on Romans 9-11.