Population genetic aspects of a newly established parasite-host system between the nematode invader Anguillicola crassus, and the North Atlantic freshwater eels, Anguilla sp.
Keywords: Ecological parasitology - Invasion biology - Population genetics - Phylogeography - Molecular ecology - Biogeography - Admixture clines - Simulation
Chapter 3:
Population structure of the parasitic nematode Anguillicola crassus, an invader of declining North Atlantic eel stocks
Reference: Wielgoss et al. (2008) Mol Ecol
Chapter 5:
Genetic signatures in an invasive parasite of Anguilla anguilla correlate with differential stock management
Reference: Wielgoss et al. (2010) J Fish Biol
Chapter 6:
Introgressive hybridization and latitudinal admixture clines in North Atlantic eels
Reference: Wielgoss et al. (2014) BMC Evol Biol