Module 4: Search Tips

Recommended Instructions for Module 4:

1. Read and/or listen to Module 4 Summary and Objectives

2. Watch embedded YouTube tutorial below or go to Module 4's subpage: Module 4 Screenshot walkthrough.

3. Complete the practice activity.

Module 4 Summary

Now that you've got the basics down, there are ways to sort through your results to get the best articles for your paper or project. You need to evaluate the articles to be sure that what you're looking at is what you want. Reading through three pages of a 14 page article, only to find that it isn't something you can use, is frustrating and time-consuming. There are easier ways to evaluate an article. There are also ways you can get additional, perhaps better, search terms as well--perfect for searches that turned up very little.

A common worry for students is also citing your work; whether you're using APA or MLA formats, there is a quick, simple way to get the citation information--though it's always a good idea to double-check the citations for accuracy, spelling, and spacing. You can even email the citation to yourself, along with any full text and a link back to the article in the database, so that if something happens to your citation list or full text copy, you don't have to do the search all over again to get the information back.

Module 4 Objectives:

1. Know how to use subject headings to find new search terms.

2. Judge the appropriateness and relevancy of an article by the abstract.

3. Know how to access the full text of an article.

4. Know how to email the full text and citation to yourself.

YouTube video settings--maximize your tutorial experience

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Module 4 Video Tutorial: Search Tips

Further Practice

Want some practice? Try this case scenario, Agent X:

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: to do a search for a full text article on the health benefits of swimming, and email the text and citation in APA or MLA format to yourself. This is your chance to practice doing a real search using what you’ve learned. Use Academic Search Premier to maximize your chances of finding full text.

To ponder: Did you find a PDF or an HTML article? Which do you prefer, and why? When you opened the email, did you find the link that takes you back to the article in EBSCO? Why would you want to email this information to yourself?