Get Mail on your Mobile Device

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There are multiple ways to access Mail on your mobile device. Below, we'll outline the options available so you can decide which is best for you and your device.

Access through your mobile browser

This option does not require any setup. If you have a mobile device with Internet access, you can access mail directly in your mobile browser.

    • Nothing to download, no set up required

    • The same familiar features, right when you need them (compose, label, reply, access attachments, etc.)

    • Actions performed on your phone are also reflected in the desktop Mail interface

    • Requires manual refresh for new mail delivery

    • No notifications for new mail delivery

To get started, point your mobile browser to DOMAIN

Using the Mail app

The mail mobile app is an email program that you can install on your mobile device.

    • Faster access to your email

    • Allows you to check multiple mail accounts on the same device

    • The same familiar features, right when you need them (compose, label, reply, access attachments, etc.)

    • Actions performed on your phone are reflected in the desktop Mail interface, too

    • Notifications for new mail delivery

    • Basic offline support (You'll be able to compose and read email - outgoing messages will be saved and sent when you're back in coverage.)

    • Download and setup required

    • Not available for Windows Mobile, Palm Treo, or BREW-enabled devices

    • Not able to customize the rate of refresh

(Note: If you have an Android device, most come with a pre-installed Mail application, which adds support for push email.)

To get started, point your mobile browser to


You can sync your mail with your mobile device using POP or IMAP.

POP, or Post Office Protocol, lets you download messages from Apps Mail servers onto your mobile device.

IMAP, or Internet Message Access Protocol, creates a constant connection between your Apps Mail and your mobile device. Unlike POP, IMAP offers two-way communication - actions you perform on your mobile device will automatically appear in Apps Mail.

The following comparison applies to sync via IMAP.

    • Allows you to use your mobile device's mail applications

    • Actions taken are automatically synced with your mail account accessed in your computer browser.

    • Setup required

    • Native mobile applications have different standards, which make it difficult to provide a uniform experience. Because of this, there is a higher probability of encountering problems.

To get started, visit this page (from your computer browser) and select your mobile device for customized instructions for POP and IMAP.