Late & absent Work 

Assignments in Powerschool have been closed & will need to be opened for you.    USE THIS form LINK IF...

(...if the assignment was entered in Powerschool already.)    OR:

(...if you were absent. You have 5 days to make up an assignment with no penalty.)

Here are some reminders that we have discussed in class...


- Vocabulary Assignments: I will only accept these assignments within the week that we are currently on. Once the vocabulary quiz has been taken, I will not be accepting late vocabulary warmups.

- Vocabulary Quiz: Occurs on Fridays and will receive a two day late-grade acceptance. If the grade goes into Powerschool as a zero for this assignment, it is final.

-Current Event:  HONORS: Since you have 7 days to complete this assignment each week. Late Current Event assignments are not accepted. If you turn in a late Current Event assignment, it will be scored the following week's current event.

- Lecture Unit Checks, Labs, Videos- I will only accept these assignments if we are still within the unit in addition to the following:

         1. Complete the late assignment

         2. Use this form to receive consideration of the assignment as a late grade. LATE ASSIGNMENT APPEAL   This form will also be found on the front screen of our Canvas Class.  Submit a new form for each assignment.