Water Plants

Make a Craft: Use duct tape and pipe cleaners to make this sea life puppet set!

Try an Experiment: See for yourself how algae interacts with water pollution.

Write a Story: Lots of people eat seaweed -- on sushi, in noodles or rice crackers, even by itself as a school snack! Usually we eat it dried, in foods where its salty, vegetable-y flavour tastes good (not many would want to eat seaweed ice cream!). Write a story about a character making up a new recipe with seaweed to win a cooking competition.

Go Outside: With an adult, find a patch of cattails, or bulrushes -- they grow around bodies of water like ponds and rivers, but also sometimes in places where rain water collects, so check roadside ditches, too. Cattails have been used in art for many years -- see lots of examples online! -- and now it's time to make your own! Take a photograph from an interesting angle, draw the cattails, or paint a picture.

See the World: Watch this video about underwater kelp forests from Ocean Today to learn how kelp grows underwater, and how it helps lots of other creatures to grow, too!

Save the Planet: We may live far from the ocean, but Alberta has water, and water plants and animals, to protect, too! If you look at a map, you'll see rivers and lakes, but you probably won't see wetlands -- a very important ecosystem that hosts as many as 400 species of plants, as well as lots of animals. Find out about Alberta's wetlands, and what we can do to keep them safe, on the Wetlands Alberta website.

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