
Extramural Funding

  • Set 2020 - Aug 2024. NIFA-AFRI Sustainable Agricultural Systems (SAS) (Grant Number: 2020-69012-31914). "Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Water, Nutrient, Salinity, And Pest Management in The Western U.S." Elia Scudiero: Principal Investigator

  • Jul 2019 –Jun 2022. NIFA-AFRI Foundational Agriculture Systems and Technology (AST) Agricultural Engineering Program. Food and Agriculture Science Enhancement (FASE) - New Investigator Grant (Grant Number: 2019-67022-29696). USD 487,942. “Agricultural Salinity Management Via an Integration of Proximal and Remote Sensing with Big Geodata Modeling”. Elia Scudiero: Principal Investigator

  • Nov 2018 – Mar 2021. California Department of Food and Agriculture – SCBGP grant (Grant Number 18-0001-030-SC). USD 298,062. "Decision Support Tools for Spatiotemporal Integration of Citrus Virtual Orchard and Soil Sensing". PI: A Pourreza, UC Davis, CA. Elia Scudiero: Co-PI & Project Manager

  • Jun 2018 – Dec 2019. The Lawn Institute (Award Fund #86041). USD 20,000. "Mapping and monitoring turf cooling effects from the house to city scale in inland California". PI: M Schiavon, UC Riverside, CA. Elia Scudiero: Co-PI

  • 2013-2015. Office of Naval Research non-competitive grant (FMMI number: 3200001344). USD 670,332. “Identification of San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Lands for Oil Seed Production”. PI: DL Corwin, USDA-ARS USSL, Riverside, CA. Elia Scudiero: Co-PI

Other Funding

  • July 2020 - Jun 2021. Frank G. and Janice B. Delfino Agricultural Technology Research Initiative, College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, UC Riverside. Elia Scudiero: Principal Investigator

Research Highlights

Mobile Orchard Soil Sensing (MOSS) system


We are developing a mobile system to use the EM-38 DD and other on-the-go sensors in micro-irrigated orchards. How far to the side of our ATV should the EM-38 sit? Preliminary findings indicate that the sensor should be at least 8 feet (2.4 m) away from the ATV.

Our paper featured in the Tree Physiology cover


Pouzoulet, J., E. Scudiero, M. Schiavon, L.S. Santiago and P.E. Rolshausen. 2019. Modeling of xylem vessel occlusion in grapevine. Tree Physiology 39: 1438-1445. doi:10.1093/treephys/tpz036 was selected for the Aug 2019 Tree Physiology Issue cover

Mapping soil salinity from space

December 2017

Scudiero, E., Corwin, D.L., Anderson, R.G., Yemoto, K., Clary, W., Wang, Z.L., Skaggs, T.H., 2017. Remote sensing is a viable tool for mapping soil salinity in agricultural lands. California Agriculture 71, 231-238. 10.3733/ca.2017a0009.

Our was featured in the cover of the December 2017 issue of California Agriculture