YAMM: Check your campaign success with our new email report

Post date: Feb 21, 2017 3:30:54 PM

After improving many times our tracking tool, we were curious to know how useful our tracker was. So we started to analyze its usage and we noticed that 80% of our users activate the tracker to check the number of opens, clicks, bounces and unsubscribes. So we naturally thought that people really like using our tracker which records all these stats in real time in the tracking report sidebar.

In fact, after extra investigations, we found out that many users don’t check the results after sending their campaign, even if the tracker was enabled. Meaning that they don’t open their spreadsheet anymore, and in some cases even close the tracking sidebar right after, without looking at the stats.

So we needed to find a way to let users know about their campaign performance. And here’s our solution: a few weeks ago, we started to send an email report 2 hours after people completed their campaign:

We have also sent surveys to collect feedbacks about this new feature and received many enthusiastic answers! Everyone was very happy to receive it and found it useful (and most of the people we contacted are the ones who don't bother checking the same data in their spreadsheet). Most of you even asked for another one 24 hours later so that you can compare the results (and we are working on it!).

If you want to learn more about the different information from this tracking report email and how it works, please check out our documentation or simply send your next email campaign with YAMM to get this nice report!