Insert images uploaded via Google Forms in Docs, Sheets & Slides with Form Publisher

Post date: Dec 21, 2016 11:9:49 AM

In October 2016, Google released a file upload feature for Google Forms (see our article "All you should know about the new file upload feature") and we made it compatible with Form Publisher: Links to the files uploaded are inserted in the generated Docs, Sheets, Slides and / or PDFs (see doc).

In November, Google launched the new Google Slides API and Form Publisher is the first add-on making use of it to turn your form submissions into Google Slides presentations.

Insert images uploaded via Google Forms in your generated files

If people upload PDFs or other document types via Google Form, it makes sense to insert a link in the file generated by Form Publisher. But if you want people to upload images only (to join a screenshot to an issue report, or a logo to a new sales proposal,...) it makes more sense to insert these images directly in the files created. And this is now possible!

In Google Slides

One example would be if you are in charge of giving a corporate presentation to new employees.

As a product manager, you want to focus on your main products. To keep your presentation up-to-date, you are asking your internal design team to upload to your form the latest versions of your brands logo.

These pictures will be automatically added to your slides, in the textbox elements where you have typed your markers for the ‘File upload’ questions:

In Google Docs

Inserting images in a Doc can be useful if for instance you are working in the computing service of your school. If students or teachers have any IT issues, they can easily upload images and screenshots of error messages to help you understand what their bugs are and troubleshoot them.

Form Publisher will then insert the images directly in your Google Docs:

In Google Sheets

If you are using a spreadsheet as a template, you can also insert images uploaded by your form respondents. You can use this feature if for example you are working in the administrative field and would like to collect profiles from your colleagues which include their ID photos in order to create a people directory.

This new feature in Form Publisher also works on mobile phones! People can even take photos directly from their phone and upload them to your Google Form. When you receive their form submissions, you will be able to see the images inserted by Form Publisher directly in the generated document:

We hope that this new option to insert images uploaded to your form in the generated files will cover even more use cases and enrich your experience with Form Publisher!