Improved filtered views management on Awesome Table

Post date: Oct 19, 2017 4:9:55 PM

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Awesome Table provides various filters to help sort out data and display only needed information in a few clicks. Because they are so easy to personalize, filters are very popular! For every view where filters are enabled, our team added a new menu available on the top right corner. It gathers ‘Clear filters’, ‘Get filtered URL’ and ‘Print’ actions.

As usual, our main concern is to build a tool that matches your expectations. Many users were asking for a ‘Clear filters’ button, that quickly erases the current selection. This option has been added to the menu.

The second new feature for your Awesome Table views is ‘Get filtered URL’. When you select this option, a new tab opens in your browser and displays the view in web app, with filtered sections saved. This useful trick make sharing filtered views possible and very easy.

Finally, the 'Print' button has been moved to the menu, for a more intuitive navigation. It enables any view to be printed or exported as PDF. It is now fully integrated into Awesome Table so you can set parameters for printing directly from our web app.

The example below is a people directory generated with Awesome Table. Feel free to try out our new buttons on the following view !