Help Google Drive user adoption in your organization

Post date: May 20, 2015 12:59:13 PM

In lots of organizations, Google Drive adoption hasn't reach quite the expected level. While many users appreciate the collaborative features built in Google editors (docs, sheets, slides,...), others are strongly used to the fancy features of Microsoft Office editors and don't want to switch.

They are usually the most reluctant to change, complaining about missing features in Google editors, formatting issues when converting Office files to Google format and the difficulty to edit Office files stored in Google Drive.

That's why we introduced AwesomeDrive last month, a Chrome extension that lets you use Microsoft Office to edit your Office files stored on Drive.

Since we've made available this connector, we've seen lots of people very happy with this new solution and it's time to expand! We've just released a deployment guide that will help you install AwesomeDrive for all users in your organization!

So next time someone tells you he can't use Google Drive because he needs specific features that aren't available outside of Microsoft Office editors, we have the answer! And once he's started storing his files on Drive, let's hope he'll soon begin to love all the features Google put there (files available everywhere, on any device with awesome co-editing and commenting capabilities)...

As always, if you need any help with the extension or its deployment, don't hesitate to ask for help on our community.

This is just one of the many possibilities to improve Google Drive adoption. If you a need help with trainings or a communication plan, our Change Management team at Revevol will be happy to help!