Personalize your email content with markers

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How can I personalize my emails?

Personalizing your emails has many advantages. You don't need to type different messages by hand to your whole recipient list, so you're saving a lot of time. It also makes your subscribers feel unique, increasing thus their trust towards your email, and the overall efficiency of your campaign.

It's very easy to do so. Simply add a new marker under the format {{Column Header}} in the body of your draft, like in the following example:

Please note that the information inside your marker {{}} has to match exactly the column header of your spreadsheet, as it is upper/lower case sensitive.

Notice how the 'First Name' column header is written: with capitals F and N: The marker should then be exactly {{First Name}}, NOT {{First name}}, or {{first NaMe}} etc.

Beware of invisible spaces behind the column header too!

In the end, the results will look like the following:

Standard markers supported by YAMM

You can use the following markers to personalize your email content (and subject line):

    • {{Column Header}}

    • <<Column Header>>

    • $%Column Header%

We advise to use the markers {{Example}}. This one is the most stable one, and doesn't cause any compatibility issues with Gmail.