Images are broken in emails sent

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Why are my images broken?

Yet Another Mail Merge should correctly send images inserted in your Gmail draft. You can even use a different image for each recipient.

If images aren't correctly displayed in the emails sent (you can send you a test email to try), it means your Gmail draft is partially broken. In that case, best is to create a new draft, and re-insert your image in this new draft.

If you have many images in your draft (or a big image, >500kb), best might to upload your image on an external server (e.g.: On Google Photos), and choose to insert your image by URL in your Gmail draft instead of uploading it directly from your computer.

How to upload properly your images in Gmail?

Here is the whole process to upload correctly your images on Google Photos.

Step 1. Host your image online

Go to Google Photos and start uploading your photo by clicking on the little cloud:

Once uploaded, you need to get the link of the picture. Simply click on it, then 'Share', and 'Get Link':

Copy the link, open a new window/tab in private with incognito mode (this is very important, otherwise it might not work), and paste the link.

Click on the picture again, right click, and copy the url of the image:

If you open a new tab (always in private mode) and paste the link, you should get the following:

The link that appears above (starting with https://lh3.) is the one you will finally use in your draft.

Step 2. Insert the image in your draft

In your draft, click on 'Insert Photo', make sure that you insert it 'inline' (and not as an attachment):

Go to 'Web Address URL', and paste the previous link:

Finally, click on insert, and that's it!