Release Notes


August 2015

    • Introducing a new marker : <<Your question title>> . The previous marker was not really user-friendly and we got bored of it. Note that the previous marker __##Your question title##__ is still supported.

    • The increment can now be added any where you want thanks to the new keyword <<Increment>>. You can also set the value of this increment. As a transition, for those who have set up the increment for their output doc's title we add the increment keyword at the end of it, so there is no discontinuity.

    • Brand new sidebar, "Regenerate files". In this sidebar, you can pick a day and then select the different form responses you'd like to use in order to regenerate files. This way you can either generate files which Form Publisher failed to create on form submission, or regenerate files in order to match a new template.

    • Antoher new sidebar is coming. It will display some informations about Form Publisher's status. Right now, it displays wether the add-on is enbaled on the form or not and the number of files created through the current form since the beginning of August.

    • You can now reset the Form Publisher's settings on a Form thanks to the new button "Reset Settings" in the Form Publisher's status sidebar.

July 2015

    • You can now save the urls of the different files created by Form Publisher in the Response sheet of your Form.

April 2015

    • You can now send the created Doc or Spreadsheet in PDF format as attachment in the notification emails. You can also keep a copy of this PDF file in your Google Drive. It will be put in the destination's folder of the created Doc or Spreadsheet.

    • Fix: Grid questions are now fully supported by Form Publisher. If you want to select the response of a specific row in your grid question, you can use the syntax: __##QuestionTitle [rowName]##__ (note the exact syntax, with a blank between the question's title and the row's name). This is the same syntax that the one used by the Spreadsheet that is collecting the form responses.

March 2015

    • Brand new UI for Form Publisher. It is now easier to set up & edit settings.

    • Added Key words, "Timestamp", which will be replaced by the Time stamp, and "Template Title" which refer to the template file's title. You can suggest other key words in the Form Publisher's User voice.

    • Fix: You can use either email address or markers in the "Predefined email address" field, both will be recognized.

    • If you pick a file instead of a folder as Output folder, the parent folder will be selected (we understand it is difficult to select a folder in the Google Picker dialog).

    • You can now add viewers or commenters on the created file. You can also choose to give permission to the respondent. Remember, you can only get the email of the respondent in your Google Apps for Work domain. If you are not in a Gapps domain, you can ask the user to enter his email address in the form and get it with markers

February 2015

    • Fix: Only one mail is sent to the user or recipient of email notification.

    • Fix: Not all special characters were recognized and replaced in templates. You can now use any character in your templates

January 2015

    • Tags in header and footer of a Google Doc are now recognized and replaced properly

    • Tags in the name of output docs are now recognized and replaced properly

    • Because the name of the output can be changed dynamically, the increment may not be useful in that case. So it can now be removed easily by clicking on the “Remove” button next to the “Clear” button. It can also be set up again by clicking the “Set Increment” button.

    • Remaining tags are removed from generated files. Sending a form with no answer will also work.

    • One (or more) email address can now be set as recipient of email notification.