Coding is Cool


November 15, 2015 SDCUE Workshop Scott Moss

Agenda (Subject to change):

8:30-8:45 Intros, overview, and rapid needs assessment

8:45-9:00 Guided programming

9:15-9:35 Independent, supervised work

9:35-9:50 Share out

9:50-10:00 Taking it to the next level/Curriular conenctions

10:00- 10:15 Finishing touches

Programming with Scratch at CUE 2013


Steve Jobs says everyone should learn to program.


From Computer Science Concepts with Scratch by Michal Armoni and Moti Ben-Ari

We suggest that you work on each task according to the following guidelines:

Read the task.

1. Think how you would solve the task and write your solution in English.

2. Consider if you already know enough constructs in Scratch in order to translate your solution in a Scratch project and try to do so.

3. If not, look for new Scratch constructs. Each new construct appears in a frame together with a short explanation. Try using the new construct.