Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students
Pyaephyoe Waitun (졸 2021)
Master Degree (KOICA)
Research area: Apple sorterNelson (졸 2020)
Master Degree (KOICA)
Research area: Human effect by electrical vehicle EMFKanitthika Kaewkannate (Cingi)
Ph.D Student of Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Control Engineering
Research area : Human motion analysis by using Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Pressure Sensor.
Website :
Ittaka (졸 2019)
Doctoral Student
Laboratory of Digital System,
Department of Electronics Engineering and Information Technology,
Research area: Colorimeter
Website :
김태현 (석 2018)
Master degree
Lecturer, Anseong Polytech
Akkarawat Kaewkwunoi (석 2017)
Master D. Student of Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Control Engineering
Research area : Human joint implementation, Robotic.
양주영 (석 2014)
Project study : Window program, Body sway system by Nintendo Wii
Sasiporn Anumas (박 2014)
Ph.D Student of Dept. of Bioinformation Engineering
Research area : Driver's Fatigue
박민제 (석 2010)
강인철 (석 2008입, 2015 학위)
황언주 (석 2007)
이화 (박사과정 중)
Present : CEO
양도현 (23~
윤형준 (23~
방문석 (23~
김동연 (23~
고은빛 (졸 2023)
강일권 (졸 2023)
신동관 (졸 2023)
고동균 (졸 2022)
김세연 (졸 2022)
정성찬 (졸 2022)
최서영 (졸 2021)
창업 준비중신우성 (졸 2021)
Project study : RC car control using a virtual globe
김태민 (졸 2021)
Project study : RC car control using a virtual globe김연준 (졸 2022)
(주)라이프사이언스테크롤러지유진아 (졸 2020)
에이팩트(구 하이셈)박재훈 (졸 2019)
Project study : Wearable goggle
홍승한 (졸 2019)
Samsung Electronics진장민 (졸 2019)
Project study : Virtual globe and Impedance
봉명근 (졸 2019)
Project study : Virtual globe and Impedance
여현아 (졸 2019)
Project study : Virtual globe and Impedance
윤희 (졸 2017)
대학원 진학김범수 (졸 2017)
광운대학원 진학(현, 박사과정)성진원 (졸 2018)
(주)에프엔에스 (F&S )
Project study : PEMF cell stimulus
최현태 (졸 2016)
경희대학교 대학원 석사
KTL (한국산업기술시험원)
Project study : Fire alarm
배창범 (졸 2014)
Project study : Accelerometers and Gyroscope, Pressure sensors.
박준석 (졸 2014)
Project study : Magnetic field using Helm Holtz, Quad-Copter
오상봉 (졸 2014)
Project study : Accelerometers and Gyroscope, Pressure sensors.
도성구 (졸 2013)
김경록 (졸 2013)
(주) PNE Solution
박준상 (졸 2013)
심태선 (졸 2012)
(주)ecosystems박찬선 (졸 2012)
조영기 (졸 2011)