2016-a Winter

邁向 Petascale 高速計算

Introduction to Parallel Programming for Multicore/Manycore Clusters

臺大數學科學中心 科學計算冬季學校

2016年2月15日星期一至2月18日星期四 (9:00-17:00)

國立臺灣大學 天文數學館 301 室



快速累積的大量數據,以及高速發展的超級電腦,是當今與未來的重要趨勢。具備高速計算能力,才能解決更大更複雜的問題,也能大幅提升進行尖端研究與開發產業應用的競爭力。在這個四天的密集課程,我們將簡介 MPI 與 OpenMP 的平行計算環境,說明如何在此平行環境求解稠密矩陣的特徵值問題,並將有限體積法以及大型線性系統疊代法平行化,求解三維 Poisson 方程。

此課程的另一個特點是使用東京大學的超級電腦上機實作。這台名為「Oakleaf-FX」的電腦,是全球最先進的超級電腦之一,它採用 Fujitsu PRIMEHPC FX10 大規模平行電腦架構,包含 4,800 個計算節點,每個節點配有 16核心的 SPARC64 IXfx 處理器,節點間以六維 Torus Fusion 網路串接,全機包含高達 76,800 核心,150 TB 的主記憶體,以及 1.13 PFLOPS 的尖峰運算能力。Oakleaf-FX 是目前 (2015/11) 在 TOP500 排名全球第四的 K Computer 的改良機型。(註:Oakleaf-FX 帳號須經申請,並依相關規定審核。)


  • Fundamental (2/15-16):
  • Training of fundamental MPI and OpenMP are provided with parallelizations of dense matrix-vector multiplications and power method for eigenvalue problems.
  • Advanced (2/17-18):
  • MPI and OpenMP/MPI are applied to 3D Poisson equation solver by finite-volume method (FVM) with preconditioned conjugate gradient iterative method (PCG).


  • Professor Kengo Nakajima (中島 研吾 教授,東京大學 情報基盤中心 超級計算研究部門)

  • Professor Takahiro Katagiri (片桐 孝洋 教授,東京大學 情報基盤中心 超級計算研究部門)



協辦單位:東京大學情報基盤中心臺灣大學數學系與應用數學科學研究所台灣工業與應用數學學會 GPU與高效能計算活動學群

主持人:王偉仲教授 (臺灣大學數學系與應用數學科學研究所,wwang@ntu.edu.tw)

聯絡人:劉英貝小姐 (臺大數學科學中心,tassist4@tims.ntu.edu.tw,02-3366-9901)

1. Course Information

2016 TIMS Winter School for Scientific Computing

Introduction to Parallel Programming for Multicore/Manycore Clusters

Professor Kengo Nakajima and Professor Takahiro Katagiri

(Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan)


In order to make full use of modern supercomputer systems with multicore/manycore architectures, hybrid parallel programming with message-passing and multithreading is essential. MPI for message-passing and OpenMP for multithreading are the most popular ways for parallel programming on multicore/manycore clusters.

This 4-day tutorial provides essential knowledge and experiences for parallel programming using MPI and OpenMP. Hands-on exercise by Fujitsu PRIMEHPC FX10 supercomputer at the University of Tokyo (Oakleaf-FX) is also given. (http://www.cc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/system/fx10/index-e.html).

First 2 days are focusing on training of fundamental MPI and OpenMP. The basic functions and usage of MPI and OpenMP are explained. Several trainings of parallelization by using sample programs based on fundamental numerical computations, such as matrix-matrix multiplication, are provided.

On the 3rd and 4th days, MPI and OpenMP/MPI are applied to 3D Poisson equation solver by finite-volume method (FVM) with preconditioned conjugate gradient iterative method (PCG). Detailed lectures on data structure for parallel FVM are also provided.


  • Experiences in Unix/Linux
  • Experiences of programming (Fortran or C/C++)
  • Fundamental numerical algorithms (Gaussian Elimination, LU Factorization, Jacobi/Gauss-Seidel/SOR Iterative Solvers)
  • Experiences in SSH Public Key Authentication Method


  • Experiences in Unix/Linux
  • Experiences in emacs or vi
  • Experiences of programming (Fortran or C/C++)
  • Fundamental numerical algorithms (Gaussian Elimination, LU Factorization, Jacobi/Gauss-Seidel/SOR Iterative Solvers)
  • Experiences in SSH Public Key Authentication Method


Course Materials


February 15, 2016 (Monday)

Part 1. Fundamental I.

February 16, 2016 (Tuesday)

Part 2. Fundamental II.

09:10-10:00 Introduction

10:10-11:00 Overview of OpenMP

11:10-12:00 Functions of OpenMP

13:10-14:00 Training of OpenMP

14:10-15:00 Overview of MPI

15:10-16:00 How to use the FX10

16:10-17:00 Trainings of FX10

Homework 1

09:10-10:00 Functions of MPI Non-blocking and Persistent Communication

10:10-11:00 Parallelization of dense Matrix-Vector Multiplications (1/2)

11:10-12:00 Parallelization of dense Matrix-VectorMultiplications (2/2)

Homework 2

13:10-14:00 Parallelization of dense Power Method for eigenvalue problem (1/2)

14:10-15:00 Parallelization of dense Power Method for eigenvalue problem (2/2)

Homework 3

15:10-16:00 Parallelization of Fully Distributed

dense Matrix-Matrix Multiplication (1/2)

Homework 4

16:10-17:00 Parallelization of Fully Distributed

dense Matrix-Matrix Multiplication (2/2)

Homework 5

February 17, 2016 (Wednesday)

Part 3. Advanced I.

February 18, 2016 (Thursday)

Part 4. Advanced II.

09:10-10:00 FVM code (1/4)

10:10-11:00 FVM code (2/4)

11:10-12:00 FVM code (3/4)

13:10-14:00 FVM code (4/4) and sparse linear system solver

14:10-15:00 Parallel Data Structure (1/2)

15:10-16:00 Parallel Data Structure (2/2)

16:10-17:00 Parallel FVM (1/4)


09:10-10:00 Parallel FVM (2/4)

10:10-11:00 Parallel FVM (3/4)

11:10-12:00 Parallel FVM (4/4)

13:10-14:00 OpenMP/MPI Hybrid (1/4)

14:10-15:00 OpenMP/MPI Hybrid (2/4)

15:10-16:00 OpenMP/MPI Hybrid (3/4)

16:10-17:00 OpenMP/MPI Hybrid (4/4)

Report (topics including strong scaling, weak scaling,

preconditioning, performance comparison, etc.)

2. Registration

2016 臺大數學科學中心科學計算冬季學校,線上註冊網址:http://goo.gl/forms/HjDBmF0ixA

(報名截止日期: 2016/01/22 。本課程不收費用,但名額有限,獲得錄取學員將另行通知。)

3. Poster