Schematic Mapping Workshop 2014


Wivenhoe House Hotel, University of Essex, UK on 2-3 of April 2014


Usability of public transport schematics has become of key importance over the last few years. There has been renewed interest in traditional diagrams, alongside new mapping concepts that may better help the traveller to navigate the increasing complexity of public transport networks.


Congratulations to  Thomas van Dijk, Wouter Meulemans and Arthur van Goethem, who were awarded Best Student Submission sponsored by the British Cartographic Society. They were given the prize for their poster: An Automated Method for Circular-Arc Metro Maps.

Posters and other maps were displayed during the conference at an exhibition of schematic layout work.


This workshop was intended to bring researchers and practitioners together to explore the current state of the art in map design, to integrate future research directions, and to discuss plans for providing the travelling public with improved navigation aids. We solicited proposals for:

The workshop also include invited position papers summarizing the current state of the art, which fed into sessions devoted to discussing key issues and future plans for research.



Subject areas include, but are not restricted to:

The Workshop was held at the Wivenhoe House Hotel, University of Essex, UK on 2nd and 3rd of April 2014.




Supported by the British Cartographic Society