Structuring and Complementing continuing Education in Medical INformatics

Structural Measure grant C007B05 for the period 15 May 2006 until 14 August 2007.

SCEMIN consortium members

  • Technical University of Crete, Greece (Grant applicant)
  • School of Electrical engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia (Grant coordinator)
  • University of Montenegro, Montenegro
  • University of Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Max Planc Institute, Germany
  • University of Aalborg, Denmark
  • Medical School, University of Belgrade, Serbia
  • Institute of Public health, Montenegro

Structural Measures

  • upgrading learning facilities and services for students of both electrical engineering and Medicine by developing a powerful tele-education network connecting the partner universities (starting from JEP InCoHEALTH) and major health care institutions, bringing directly everyday medical practice into classrooms;
  • identifying needs for continuing education in ICT for health care personnel and assessing the results obtained by SCEMIN by organizing workshops;
  • establishment of two Continuing education centers which will be responsible for the delivery of continuing education in ICT health-care professionals (the centers will run on a pilot-basis and complement the results obtained in CD JPEG 16072-2001 InCoHEALTH) using specialized workshops and the development of a web portal;
  • building programs, developing teaching methodologies and producing teaching material for courses on diverse aspects of ICT in HCS, and delivering them to the medical personnel in selected health-care institution;
  • the existing infrastructure will be used and further extended by substantial modification of the teaching curriculum and quality assurance procedures;
  • development of a web portal for securing effective dissemination of the results for widespread use in a wide range of educational and medical institutions;

DRAGO Mcom [2007]