Structuring and Complementing continuing Education in Medical INformatics
Structural Measure grant C007B05 for the period 15 May 2006 until 14 August 2007.
SCEMIN consortium members
- Technical University of Crete, Greece (Grant applicant)
- School of Electrical engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia (Grant coordinator)
- University of Montenegro, Montenegro
- University of Novi Sad, Serbia
- Max Planc Institute, Germany
- University of Aalborg, Denmark
- Medical School, University of Belgrade, Serbia
- Institute of Public health, Montenegro
Structural Measures
- upgrading learning facilities and services for students of both electrical engineering and Medicine by developing a powerful tele-education network connecting the partner universities (starting from JEP InCoHEALTH) and major health care institutions, bringing directly everyday medical practice into classrooms;
- identifying needs for continuing education in ICT for health care personnel and assessing the results obtained by SCEMIN by organizing workshops;
- establishment of two Continuing education centers which will be responsible for the delivery of continuing education in ICT health-care professionals (the centers will run on a pilot-basis and complement the results obtained in CD JPEG 16072-2001 InCoHEALTH) using specialized workshops and the development of a web portal;
- building programs, developing teaching methodologies and producing teaching material for courses on diverse aspects of ICT in HCS, and delivering them to the medical personnel in selected health-care institution;
- the existing infrastructure will be used and further extended by substantial modification of the teaching curriculum and quality assurance procedures;
- development of a web portal for securing effective dissemination of the results for widespread use in a wide range of educational and medical institutions;
ICT systems in health-careICT infrastructure for medical databases
Instrumentation in health-careLab
Clinical decision supportMedical knowledge and decision support
Medical imagingModalities, systems and processing
Digital image processing and analysisSignals, systems and random processesTeaching material
Multimedia communicationsDistributed multimedia systems NetworkingTelemedicine
Health care systems: architecturee-Health systems
Management of health-care processesPerformance managementHuman resource management
SCEMIN CourseICT in healthcare 17-28.09.2007.ContentsUsing InternetUsing PCUsing MS OfficePracticumPictures 17-28.09.2007.
Instrumentation in health-careLab
Clinical decision supportMedical knowledge and decision support
Medical imagingModalities, systems and processing
Digital image processing and analysisSignals, systems and random processesTeaching material
Multimedia communicationsDistributed multimedia systems NetworkingTelemedicine
Health care systems: architecturee-Health systems
Management of health-care processesPerformance managementHuman resource management
SCEMIN CourseICT in healthcare 17-28.09.2007.ContentsUsing InternetUsing PCUsing MS OfficePracticumPictures 17-28.09.2007.
DRAGO Mcom [2007]