Fish Hoek SCD End-of-year Dance Class - 7 December 2015

Post date: Nov 16, 2015 10:45:4 AM

Fish Hoek Club will be holding our end-of-year dance class on Monday 7th December 2015. Dancers from all clubs are once again invited to join us for a fun evening of dancing.

Time: 19:45 for 20:00

Cost: R20

The programme for the evening is:

1. Pelorus Jack J32 3/4L Skelton: RSCDS XLI

2. The Kangaroo Paw R32 3/4L Brenchley: Kangaroo Paw

3. City of Stirling Reel R32 3/4L Goldring: Bannockburn 700

4. The Dream Catcher S96 4S Orr: RSCDS XLV

5. Polharrow Burn R32 5/5L Foss: Magazine

6. Best Set in the Hall J32 3/4L Greenwood: RSCDS XLVI

7. Never at Sea R48 6/6L Haddow

8. The Road to McGregor S32 4/4L Hodgson

9. Catch the Wind R32 3/4L Butterfield: RSCDS XLV

<Refreshment Break>

10. Gothenburg's Welcome J32 3/4L Munro: RSCDS XXXVII

11. The Deil amang the Tailors R32 3/4L RSCDS XIV

12. The Byron Strathspey S32 3/3L Drewry: Deeside 2

13. The Cranberry Tart J32 3/4L Glasspool: 7 Year Itch

14. Land Of The Heather Hills S32 4/4L Priddey: Capercaillie

15. Mairi's Wedding R40 3/4L Cosh: 22 SCD