Personal Faith Statement

I believe in God. I have had the privilege of growing up in a Christian home, so I have known about and believed in Him from my earliest memories. I have always found great assurance in knowing God as my Father, Creator, Sustainer, and Ever-present Friend. I believe that Jesus Christ is my Savior, and it is only through His death and resurrection that I am forgiven and have hope for eternal life. I believe in the Holy Spirit and trust Him to fill my heart and mind, to help me make wise decisions, and to encourage and strengthen me through my journey here on earth. This triune God is the foundation of my existence and the hope for my future. I desire to serve Him each day with joy and gratitude.

I believe that I have been called to teach. God has blessed me with talents, abilities, and a desire to help children learn and apply their skills and knowledge to their lives and to new situations. As a Christian educator, I see children as unique and special creations of God, filled with promise and potential. My goal is to invite my students into their learning, nurture their gifts, talents, and abilities, and empower them to serve God and others, advancing His kingdom in this world. This is done through showing them love and respect as image-bearers of Christ, through providing relevant instruction where knowledge and skills are developed, through nurturing their emotional, social, physical, and spiritual well-being, and through offering authentic opportunities that allow them to serve God and others now and in the future. In my teaching, I try to instill the joy and responsibility of learning, living, and working as redeemed children of God.

I believe that knowing Jesus does make a difference in this world, and because of this my teaching deliberately reflects Christian principles. By openly discussing ideas, events, facts, and opinions within the context of what the Bible teaches, I challenge my students to base their thoughts, analyses, and evaluations on what they see through the light of Scripture. I try to integrate Christ’s teachings throughout the school day, whether we are discussing a story, performing a science experiment, solving a math problem, or walking in the hallway. Christ is part of our entire school day, and students must have opportunities to see it, to practice it, and to live it out in their daily lives.

I believe in discipling my students. As a Christian teacher, I am a model to my students. I pray daily that my students will see and hear the love of Jesus in my actions and words. As their teacher I must guide them, so they can see how Jesus is evident in their academic work as well as in their social interactions. I must also provide opportunities to let their faith be acted out through respecting, encouraging, and serving each other. Students need opportunities to take risks and offer forgiveness when needed. Discipleship is a growing process, and I am committed to working with my students, their parents, and our school community to nurture it in multiple ways.

Because of my beliefs, I rely on God to give me the wisdom I need to teach the students in my classroom. I trust God to guide my thoughts, words, and actions so I can better serve Him in our school community. I am confident that God will be faithful to His promises and use the circumstances of my life to advance His kingdom in this place.

~Rebecca De Smith~