
Postdoctoral Researchers:

Postdoctoral Position Available 2018


Currently seeking highly qualified prospective PhD students and Postdoctoral Researchers to apply for funding from the Irish Research Council (IRC).

The IRC fund 2-year postdoctoral research fellowships which cover the fellow's salary. Applications are submitted by the prospective fellow together with their supervisor.

The research project undertaken should be a significant development from the subject of the applicant's PhD. The fellowships are highly competitive and successful candidates usually demonstrate an excellent research profile (e.g. publications and/or patents, presentations at conferences from their PhD studies). Prospective candidates should send their CV with a cover letter describing their research background and potential research interests by email to Eoin as soon as possible.

Urgent deadline! The next call for applications will be 2018 with a deadline in November 2018. The results of the call are expected in June 2019.

PhD Students:

Position Available (2018)

The IRC fund 4-year PhD fellowships which cover a €16,000 p.a. stipend, tuition fees and research costs. Applications are submitted by the prospective student together with their supervisor. The IRC is highly competitive and the academic excellence of the student is one of their primary assessment criteria.

Urgent deadline! The next call for applications will be November 2018 with a deadline in January 2019, this would allow the student to start their PhD in September 2017. Suitably qualified candidates, with excellent grades and research experience, are advised to contact Eoin by email as soon as possible to discuss potential projects.