Assessments & Fees for South Carolina Chapters of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Treasurer Ron Chapman | Treasurer Emeritus Dr. Joseph E. Heyward
Delta Kappa Lambda [ΔΚΛ] Invoices
Chapter Information
If you don't see the invoice, please click on expand icon (in the top right hand corner) and request access to the invoice
Paying Online
Please Use Donate Function to pay online (Send a Payment by Check is still preferable)
Registration includes Fraternal Luncheon, Oratorical Luncheon and Miss Black and Gold tickets
Add District Conference Registrations & Tickets
How do Online Payments work?
The District uses Paypal to collect payment of fees and donations online. If you choose to use this on-line payment option, there will be a transaction fee charged for the use of the debit/credit card. This fee will show as a shipping charge.
If you want to pay by mail: Send a Payment by Check