Voorjaar 2024

Last update 17/06/2024  18:30


The resit will be a usual onsite exam. The exam will be open book. This means that you are allowed to use hard-copies of our lecture notes (textbook), and my uploaded notes (not your own handwritten notes / notes you make when you attend lectures). You cannot use anything more, like homework etc.. Also, you are allowed to use simple calculators but it is not permitted the use of graphical calculators, phones and computers.

The material you have to study is based only on the material I cover in my uploaded notes of 2024.

The exam will be in Dutch and English, just to avoid possible issues between the English and Dutch terminology. So, at the beginning of the exam, you will get both versions and use whichever is most suitable to you. Your answers can be in Dutch or English.

The exam will be on Monday July 1 from 09.00 to 12.00 (12.30 for those with extra time). The classrooms are Huygens Hoogbouw - 1.06-1.09. Please check your MyTimetable before the exam for any last minute changes.

Final Exam

The final exam will be a usual onsite exam. The exam will be open book. This means that you are allowed to use hard-copies of our lecture notes (textbook), and my uploaded notes (not your own handwritten notes / notes you make when you attend lectures). You cannot use anything more, like homework etc.. Also, you are allowed to use simple calculators but it is not permitted the use of graphical calculators, phones and computers.

The material you have to study is based only on the material I cover in my uploaded notes of 2024.

The exam will be in Dutch and English, just to avoid possible issues between the English and Dutch terminology. So, at the beginning of the exam, you will get both versions and use whichever is most suitable to you. Your answers can be in Dutch or English.

The exam will be on Monday June 10 from 13.15 to 16.15 (16.45 for those with extra time). The classrooms are 4.07-4.09 at Snellius (4.12 for those with extra time). Please check your MyTimetable before the exam for any last minute changes.

General information

Stochastische Besliskunde (BKA) is an elective course in the second and third year that is being offered third in series of Besliskunde courses. An important aspect of this course is the mathematical modeling and analysis of practical quantitative problems.

In this course, a selection of the following topics is discussed:

Note: The course is taught in English. All the other are in Dutch (dictaat, exams, homework).

After this course

A fourth course in the series of Besliskunde courses is a bachelor-/master course by the name of "Geavanceerde onderwerpen in de besliskunde". This is a homework course with a small oral exam. (https://sites.google.com/view/geavanceerdebesliskundeleiden/)

Instructor and assistants

Possible ways of communication


The material is based on a dictaat. A PDF version of this is in our Brightspace page. Dictaat is also available in printed form however you should contact our secretary. The secretariat is open every morning from Monday – Thursday (Wednesday until 15.00).

Working method

Weekly 4 hours of lectures (lectures no problem sessions) on Tuesdays and Fridays. During the lecture, the material is discussed and exercises are made from the dictaat. 

Classroom and time

Tuesdays 15.15-17.00,  and Fridays 11.00-12.45:


DM.0.17 April 2 (T)

DM.1.09 April 5 (F), May 24 (F)

DM.1.15 April 9 (T), 12 (F), May  7 (T), 14 (T) (changed to BE.018)

DM.1.19 April 23 (T)

DM.0.21 April 26 (F), May 17 (F)

Huygens 2.04  April 30 (T)

Huygens 2.07  May 3 (F)

Huygens 2.26  May 21 (T)

Please check regularly the MyTimetable for any last minute changes in the classrooms.


The lowest two homework grades will not be incorporated when computing the average.

In order to pass the course, the weighted average of the two parts needs to be at least 5.5; the weighted average of the homework assignments (without the lowest two) at least 5.0; and the grade for the exam at least 5.0.

There is a written retake for the written exam. The homework assignments are considered a practical exam and are therefore not retakable.


Homework should be done in LaTeX, or written by hand, provided it is clear. It should be handed in digitally through Brightspace by 23.59 on the corresponding Tuesday or Friday. For the 25% of your final grade we count the average of the ten best homework (twelve homework in total)


The exam will take place on June 10 and the resit on July 1. They will probably be open book. More information on this will come later.

Tentative weekly schedule

Week                                      Chapter                            Details and Deadlines

05/02 (T,F)                             Ch 2                                HW1 (F) (exercises 2.14, 2.15)           

12/02 (T, F)                            Ch 2                                HW2 (F) (exercises 2.24, 2.29) 

19/02 (T, F)                            Ch 2                                HW3 (F) (exercises 2.33, 2.36), HW1 (F) hand in

26/02 (T, F)                           (T) Ch 2,1 / (F) 1       HW4 (F) (exercises 1.8, 1.16), HW2 (F) hand in

04/03 (T, F)                            Ch 1                                HW5 (F) (exercises 1.20, 3.13), HW3 (F) hand in

11/03 (T, F)                            Ch 3                                HW6 (F) (exercises 3.21, 3.26), HW4 (F) hand in

18/03 (T, F)                            Ch 3                                HW7 (F) (exercises 3.28, 4.11), HW5 (F) hand in

25/03 (-)                                     -                                                      -

01/04 (T,F)                             Ch 4                               HW8 (F) (exercises 4.16, 4.17), HW6 (F) hand in 

08/04 (T,F)                             Ch 4                               HW9 (F)(exercises 4.21, 4.22), HW7 (F) hand in 

15/04 (-)                                      -                                                      -

22/04 (T, F)                           (T) Ch 4,6 / (F) PC   HW8(F) hand in

29/04 (T, F)                            Ch 6                               HW10 (F) (exercises 6.7, 6.11), HW9(F) hand in

06/05 (T)                                Ch 6                               HW11 (T) (exercises 6.8, 6.12 (In 6.12 answer the question without using the discount factor alpha.))

13/05 (T, F)                            Ch 6                              HW12 (T) (exercises 6.15, 6.16 (In 6.15, use exercise 6.5 instead of Vraag 6.5. In 6.16, use exercise 6.5 instead of Vraag 6.12)), HW10 (F) hand in

20/05 (T,F)                            (T) Ch 6 / (F) EX.PR.  HW11 (T) hand in 

27/05 (-)                              -                                            HW12(T) hand in 

PC: Problem Class,          EX.PR.:Exam Preparation