My DNA Analysis

23andMe Analysis

GedMatch puntDNAL - This project is focused on ancient DNA groups 

Other Analysis and Links

Updated analysis of DNA admixture of Sri Lankan participants at HarappaDNA. There are 7 Sri Lankans (3 Sinhalese, 4 Tamils). I have not included the part Sri Lankans whose immediate parents are not from Sri Lanka.

For comparison of Sri Lankan DNA with neighboring populations I have included seven other populations, TN Tamil(7), TN Tamil Brahmins(14), Kerala(10), Bengali(7), Punjabi(18) and Iranian(8). (TN=Tamil Nadu, (#) = the number of individuals). 

For those unaware, is a website where you can upload your raw DNA data for further analysis and matching with people from other companies who have also upload their data. 

a very few of the large amount of health and trait indicators I got with my DNA results analysis.  Please Note most of this type of research has been done on people with European ancestry, and applicability to South Asians is yet to be determined.