10/01 - 10/15 airplane flight lists over Sunnyvale
Post date: Oct 17, 2017 3:11:29 AM
Total Flights = 394
Total Flights < 3,000 Feet = 130 ( 33% )
Total Flights < 2,000 Feet = 37 ( 9.39% )
Total Flights After 9 PM = 40 ( 10.2% )
Total SJC Flights = 23 ( 0 South Flow Days)
Total SJC Flights < 3,000 Feet = 11 ( 47.8% )
Total SJC Flights After 9 PM = 4 ( 17.4% )
Total SQL Flights = 159
Total SQL Flights < 3,000 Feet = 25 ( 15.7% )
Total SQL Flights After 9 PM = 7 ( 4.4% )
Total PAO Flights = 86
Total PAO Flights < 3,000 Feet = 72 ( 83.7% )
Total PAO Flights < 2,000 Feet = 17 ( 19.8% )
Total PAO Flights After 9 PM = 4 ( 4.65% )
Total SFO Flights = 83
Total SFO Flights < 3,000 Feet = 1 ( 1.2% )
Total SFO Flights After 9 PM = 22 ( 26.5% )
To file SQL complaints, please go to http://www.planenoise.com/sanmateo/tY5Ru4wa/
To file SJC complaints, please go to https://sjcnoise.appspot.com/
To file PAO (Palo Alto Airport) complaints, you may call 650-329-2405 or email PAO@CityOfPaloAlto.org
To file SFO complaints, please go to https://www.flysfo.com/community/noise-abatement/file-a-complaint
Here is one way to file SQL complaints:
1. Open the SQL flight csv file provided in Excel. Copy (Ctrl-C) the flight items you want to file the complaints against.
2. Open https://blooming-ocean-17367.herokuapp.com/sjc/new. Fill Personal Info section if you haven't done so. Paste the data from Step 1 to the Flight Entry section. Click on Convert into Autofill Code button. The page will generate a list of data elements - each bullet point contains the info needed for one flight complaint. Copy one bullet point section, and move to Step 3.
3. Go to SQL complaint site - http://www.planenoise.com/sanmateo/tY5Ru4wa/
4. Click on Customized and control Google Chrome icron (three horizontal bars in the upper right corner)
5. Click on More Tools -> Developer Tools. Click on the Console tab. You will see a cursor blinking after > , paste the data from Step 2 here. The flight information will be autofilled to the web entry page.
6. All you need to do is fill in your email, AM/PM, and Comments, if you choose; and pass Capcha test.