
“The greatest change we need to make is from consumption to production, even if on a small scale, in our own gardens. If only 10% of us do this, there is enough for everyone. Hence the futility of revolutionaries who have no gardens, who depend on the very system they attack, and who produce words and bullets, not food and shelter.” ― Bill Mollison


BOOK:Backyard Homestead,eat from your garden year round 

BOOKS: The Backyard Homestead Kit 


BOOK: The All New Ball Book of Canning and Preserving 

BOOK: Whether you’re looking to set up a supply for a week, month, year, or longer, The Prepper’s Water Survival Guide offers a solution for your specific need.

Regenerative Practices for the Home Gardener 

How one couple has lived for 29 years on an island they built themselves 

Build a Basement Root Cellar 

Are Hugelkultur Gardens the Future of Gardening?

Types of Farm Fencing: Horse High, Chicken Tight or Bull Strong 

DIY Natural Pond 

How to Build a Natural Swimming Pool

How to Build a Winter Shelter

Snow: Brick and Mortar of the Arctic Circle

This family live for free in a biodome in the Arctic Circle Inbox

Survival Skills Course 

Start a 1-Acre, Self-Sufficient Homestead 

Access clean drinking water at home 

Sustainability of Heating with Wood 

Start a Woodstove Fire 

How to Design a Year-Round Solar Greenhouse 

Chinese Greenhouses for Winter Gardening - Organic Gardening 

Small-Greenhouse Plans for Winter Growing 

Solar Cooking  

What Farm-Living Teaches Kids About Money 

Organic Gardening Advice:  Our Complete Garden Know-How Series 

Garden Know-How: Extend Your Growing Season 

Why Aren’t My Hens Laying Eggs? Backyard Chicken Basics 

Home "Eco"nomics -- Green Choices That Always Make Sense 

Chickens in the Garden 

Working the land: The Not-So-Simple Life

Articles about homesteading from Mother Earth

A Plan for Food Self-Sufficiency

A Better Rainwater-Harvesting System

Solar cooking

How to Make a Solar Still

Home wind power

DIY Wind Turbine - Renewable Energy

Book: Small-Space Vegetable Gardens: Growing Great Edibles in Containers, Raised Beds, and Small Plots

Book: Country Wisdom and know-how (Everything you need to live off the land)  

How to Build a Natural Swimming Pool | MOTHER EARTH NEWS

Natural Swimming Pools: Benefits, Considerations, and Cost To Build

The MOTHER EARTH NEWS Guide to Self-Reliance and Country Skills offers more than 100 pages of beneficial articles that will assist anyone wanting to live a more self-sufficient life. 

Learn 365 Survival Skills

Off The Grid: How To Power Your Disconnected Lifestyle - Renewable Energy - MOTHER EARTH NEWS 

Sign up for free newsletters from Mother Earth News, the "Original Guide to Wiser Living." The magazine and website cover organic gardening, DIY projects and plans, renewable energy.... 

Most useful tools for the homestead

Start a 1-Acre, Self-Sufficient Homestead | MOTHER EARTH NEWS

Homesteading bookstore

All About Growing Fruit Trees - Organic Gardening - MOTHER EARTH NEWS

20 Best Chicken Coop Kits for Sale - Cool Backyard Chicken Coops to Buy

48 DIY Chicken Coops That Are Easy to Build

A Double-Duty Solar Solution: How to Build a Solar Water Heater - DIY

Prepper's bookstore

You want to be self-sufficient; we want to give you the tools you need to achieve that goal. That’s why we’ve combined this set of publications packed with how-to advice, offering you more than 350 pages of information at one low price.  Self-Sufficient Living Premium Set

30 DIY Backyard Greenhouses - How to Make a Greenhouse

Put your backyard to work:  From your ¼ acre backyard, you CAN harvest:

✔ 2,000 pounds of vegetables

✔ 1,400 eggs

✔ 60 pounds of fruit

✔ 100 pounds of honey

✔ 75 pounds of nuts

✔ 50 pounds of wheat

✔ And more!

The survival podcast is the only online talk show 100% dedicated to modern survivalism, sustainability, alternative energy & thriving in changing economic times.

The Frugal Farmer on this site you’ll find three areas of reflection: personal finance, preparedness and homesteading. Our hope is that each area blesses you in a different and uplifting way. 

With just a quarter acre of land, you can feed a family of four with fresh, organic food year-round. The Backyard Homestead is a comprehensive guide to self-sufficiency that gives you all the information you need to grow and preserve a variety of vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, and grains; keep chickens for eggs and meat; raise cows, sheep, and goats for meat or milk; raise pigs and rabbits; keep honeybees; and more. Simple instructions make it easy to enjoy canned, frozen, dried, and pickled produce all winter; use your own grains to make bread, pasta, and beer; turn fresh milk into delicious homemade yogurt, butter, and cheese; make your own wine, cordials, and herbal teas; and more. It truly is possible to eat entirely from your backyard 

Knowledge Publications Corporation was started by Steven Harris in 2002 to provide the highest quality books, DVDs, videos and education on all forms of alternative energy.  Mr Harris was also an expert in Preparedness and found that his world class knowledge of energy applied directly to the Preparedness Field.   Mr Harris now instructs the Dept of Defense, Law Enforcement and the Public on matters of preparedness especially in the areas of energy, power, fuel, heating, cooling, food (all types), water.  One of Mr Harris's Mentors was Cresson Kearny with whom he did extensive work regarding the history of feeding the warfigher from 2500 years ago to current conflicts.

Listen to How to Invest in Commodities in a Radical Way (Metals, Tools, Food, Alcohol, etc.) | Interview with Steven Harris from Radical Personal Finance on Apple Podcasts.