
10. Invariants and classification of simple germs with respect to bi-Lipschitz A-equivalence, with N. Nguyen, Journal of Singularities, vol. 25 (2022), 348 - 360.

9. Deformation retracts to intersections of Whitney stratifications, with D. Trotman, Journal of Singularities, vol. 22 (2020), 315-321.

8. Transversality of smooth definable maps in o-minimal structures, with N. Nguyen, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 168 (2020), no. 3, 519-533.

7. Classification of Lipschitz simple function germs, with N. Nguyen and M. A. S. Ruas, Proc. London Math. Soc., 121 (2020), no. 1, 51-82.

6. Bi-Lipschitz geometry of contact orbits in the boundary of the nice dimensions, with M. A. S. Ruas, Asian J. Math., 23 (2019), no. 6, 953 - 968.

5. Cohomology of flat currents on definable pseudomanifolds, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 468 (2018), no. 2, 1098-1107.

4. A geometric proof of existence of Whitney stratifications of definable sets, with N. Nguyen and D. Trotman, Illinois J. Math., 58 (2014), no.2, 381-389.

3. Detecting Thom faults in stratified mappings, with D. Trotman, Kodai. Math. J., 37 (2014), no. 2, 341-354.

2. Stratified transversality of holomorphic maps, Int. J. Math., 24 (2013), no. 13, 1350106.

1. Transversality theorems for the weak topology, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 141 (2013), no. 6, 2181-2192.

0. On Whitney (a) and Thom regular real and complex analytic stratifications, Ph.D. thesis, (2013).


2. 17 International Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, 25 - 29 July 2022, ICMC, Sao Carlos, Brazil. (Link) (Slides of Talk)

1. Singularity Theory and Regular Stratifications, conference on the retirement of David Trotman, 29 Sep - 01 Oct 2021, Marseille, France. (Link) (Slides of Talk)

Write-ups (not intended for publication and to be updated from time to time):

2. Bi-Lipschitz triviality. (Link)

1. Existence of maps transverse to stratifications and foliations. (Link)

0. Notes on Time Series Analysis. (Link) (last updated on 04/05/22)